It's Oyster Roast Time Again! Shore Drive's best neighborhood, Cape Story by the Sea, puts on another great time! Bring Non-perishable food items to benefit the CSBTS Thanksgiving Food Drive - Help us make Thanksgiving special for everyone in our communityTIKI Bar Building SATURDAY OCT 30TH ARO
3533 SEA HORSE WAY, KINGS FOREST, VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA, 23452 THIS HOME HAS BEEN RENTED NOVEMBER 2010! Presented By Mark A. Moore, REALTOR, RE/MAX Alliance Beautifully re-done 3 bedroom home in established neighborhood off Little Neck Road in north central Virginia Beach. Convenient to Town
3533 SEA HORSE WAY, KINGS FOREST, VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA, 23452 Presented By Mark A. Moore, REALTOR, RE/MAX Alliance Beautifully re-done 3 bedroom home in established neighborhood off Little Neck Road in north central Virginia Beach. Convenient to Town Center and I-264. Public schools are Mal
808 DEVEREAUX DRIVE, BATTERY PARK AT TOWNE SQUARE, VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA, 23462 THIS HOME HAS BEEN RENTED ON 15 OCTOBER, 2010! Presented By Mark A. Moore, REALTOR, RE/MAX Alliance Nice 3 bedroom condominium home in 8 year old neighborhood in central Virginia Beach. Convenient to Town Center a