bloomfield: Stage-Show-Sell welcomes Glenn Loisel, home inspector, to our team - 08/05/11 03:32 PM
For a long time I've been looking for a Home inspector to join my Staging Team.
Stage-Show-Sell, LLC believes that when a house is  staged and looking its best for the market it should also be safe secure and ready to pass the home inspection.  That's why we have invited Glenn Loisel to join our team.
Active Rain 
With the pre-list home inspection in hand we can remedy problems before the house hits the market.   This saves the home owner money by not having to regnegotiate the offer.
Please welcome him on board.

bloomfield: Plan your garden ahead of time if you can - 08/03/11 05:16 AM
August garden brings delight. These plants show off a garden real well. Consider adding them to your garden now if you are planning on selling next year. Planning - staging ahead will pay off.These flowers are in my yard.  Click photo to see all of the blooms

bloomfield: Trends in Decorating come and Decorating trends go - 12/06/09 03:26 AM
Seasons come and seasons go.
Fashion comes and fashion goes.
Trends in Decorating come and  Decorating trends go
Dark Paneling is one Decorating Trend that I'm happy to push out of the way.
1960s Family Room was so dark that it was was like a dungeon.  Dark interior shutters complimented the walls.
This house was like a stroll down memory lane.  See the square thing in the wall just left of the door frame?
It was a speaker and intercom system for the house.  It had TUBES in it.

The painting is finished and the dark shutters … (9 comments)