We have previously listed many reasons to hire a Virtual Assistant. Take a leap of faith this new year and purchase our branding package. We will implement and streamline systems which contribute to branding, by putting your name, face, tag line, website blog and credentials in front of potentia...
Now that you know all of the things that we can help with, why don't you give us a try! Or if you need a reminder of the many reasons, click here. Call Chris or Tricia for a free consultation where we will put together your very own "Business Daisy" which is our fancy name for your business ...
The Prescott Group is dedicated to helping agents: Build a saleable business Achieve home/work/life/balance Focus on dollar productive tasks Delegate less dollar productive tasks Maximize prospecting Save time and money Call us today for a free consultation! At Prescott Group we offer customiz...
Assistance Options 1 Hour $24.504 Hours $96.0010 Hours $230.00
At The Prescott Group we offer virtual assistance services in the following areas: (and much more!) Marketing Campaigns: Bi-Weekly Listing Postcards/Flyers Just Listed Postcards/F...
The last few weeks I have explained many reasons, from A-Z actually, why you need a Virtual Assistant. It just makes good sense. So if I have not convinced you by now, I don't know what will. If you need to read through the previous reasons, click here. The remaining reasons are as follows: U i...
If so, you have not been reading our ongoing blog posts of reasons why you need a virtual assistant. We started with A, and our now on letter R. R - Your VA can routinely tweak your listings that are posted on This website allows you to add scrolling text, headlines and open houses. ...