enewsletter: Week 51 - Who will tell your tale? - 12/20/11 12:13 PM
In Homer's epic poem we learn that an Odyssey is a long, wandering, and eventful journey. 2011 has been an Odyssey for many of you, and 2012 will be another Odyssey for you

The Question is... Which Homer will tell your tale?

12 Things Happy People Do Differently by Jacob Sokol  
1) Express Gratitude 2) Cultivate Optimism 3) Avoid Over-thinking and Social Comparisons 4) Practice Acts of Kindness 5) Nurture Social Relationships 6) Develop strategies for Coping 7) Learn to Forgive 8) Increase "Flow" Experiences 9) Savor Life's Joys 10) Commit … (0 comments)

enewsletter: Week 49 - You oughta be in pictures - 12/07/11 05:52 AM
Tricia and I went to a marketing seminar today and listened to a speaker talk about using video to market real estate listings. He showed us a couple of examples.  One of the example videos was really bad and the other was really professional on a really expensive house. Neither of these approaches really work that well for the "middle third" of the agent population, so how does the average agent get started with video marketing? There are 3 simple steps to start making video work for your real estate marketing: 1) Create your own video channel on You Tube … (0 comments)

enewsletter: Week 48 - Remember me? - 11/30/11 11:00 AM

How’s your referral business?
Here’s the situation:
Most business owners and sales professionals, just like yourself, know that you will absolutely lose business if you are not in contact with your customers on a regular basis.
It’s a documented fact.
The average organization loses 15 – 35% of its customers each year, primarily due to not being attentive. Just ask yourself, “Do most of my efforts go into trying to get new customers – while my existing customers drift off to the competition?”
We all have good intentions for personal communication with our clients and customers, but … (0 comments)

enewsletter: Week 46 - Have you scheduled an A-R-E-I-O? - 11/22/11 11:27 AM
Watch our new video to learn more about scheduling an A-R-E-I-O with your top clients!
Scheduling and A-R-E-I-O means setting up an Annual Real Estate Investment Overview with your past clients.  It’s a great opportunity to listen to your clients joys and concerns and make a plan for future changes to their real estate portfolio.
You don’t want to run into your client in the supermarket and then have them ask you “Why haven’t you called???”
You should start by picking your top 48 clients and schedule one A-R-E-I-O every week!


enewsletter: Week 43-Are you a TEXT Savvy Agent? - 10/25/11 02:56 AM

Are you a TEXT Savvy Agent?

Texting has been around since the birth of the digital mobile phone and is the standard the world over for sending and receiving quick messages with friends and family.
According to mobile text marketing survey, over 740 billion text messages were sent over carrier networks in the US during the first half of 2009. To put that astronomical number into perspective, it boils down to 4.1 billion SMS messages being sent daily! 
Who is Texting?
Texting has been around since the birth of the digital mobile phone … (4 comments)

enewsletter: Week 42- Do you want to fly like an EAGLE? - 10/19/11 01:41 PM
Fly like an Eagle
Fall is the time when eaglets learn to fly!
In order for an eaglet to learn how to fly, the mother eagle simply tosses the little eaglet out of the nest. Because they are scared, they jump back into the nest again.
Next, she tosses them out and removes the soft layers of the nest exposing sticks and thorns. When the scared eaglets jump back into the nest, they are pricked by the thorns causing them to jump out again on their own.
Next, mother eagle tosses them out of the nest and into the air. As they … (2 comments)

The Prescott Group - We Make YOU Look Good! (The Prescott Group)

The Prescott Group - We Make YOU Look Good!

Minneapolis, MN

More about me…

The Prescott Group

Office: (612) 998-5674

Mobile: (952) 212-7598

At The Prescott Group, our focus is simple "We Make YOU Look Good!" We provide a customized quarterly marketing system with an emphasis on helping you create brand awareness. Our marketing system will generate leads, streamline your systems increase your productivity, expand your brand through an online presence and achieve great results!




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