vacation homes: Westhampton - Let's Roll! - 06/11/09 03:59 PM
Westhampton is a relaxing place to go on a weekend and is a favorite of New York residents.  But you don't have to live in New York to enjoy it.  Find your little slice of Westhampton respit here.
Westhampton lake         suzymcg
St Marks church in Westhampton  pvsbond
Ashley beach in Westhampton   pvsbond

vacation homes: 350 Years of Yarmouth - 06/04/09 04:39 PM
The second oldest town on Cape Cod (with arguably the coolest name), Yarmouth is a quaint seaside community replete with gorgeous beaches, lush green landscapes and a historic charm that puts even the most stressed of vacationers at ease. Composed of the three small villages of West Yarmouth, Yarmouth and South Yarmouth, this seventeen mile stretch of paradise on Cape Cod boasts a literal cornucopia of opportunities and activities for travelers of all ages, shapes and sizes. First things first though – sleeping arrangements!  With plenty of Yarmouth vacation homes or bed and breakfasts in Yarmouth, this genteel seaside town offers … (0 comments)

vacation homes: Vacation Homes are a Big Business! - 01/19/09 08:16 AM
Viscape and Michael Arrington from TechCrunch agree: Vacation homes are a big business!  It seems there are always sites popping up advertising vacation rentals (we know Viscape is #1 in your heart!).  Whether you want a Delaware beach rental or an outer banks vacation home, you know Viscape has got you covered.
Now, there's a new guy on the scene.  Otalo is a vacation home search engine that compiles the basic listing information of affordable vacation homes -- and not so affordable -- from all over the web!  Unfortunately, Viscape isn't on the list...yet!  We're sure they'll be quick to add … (0 comments)

vacation homes: Top Vacation Real Estate Twitterers That You Should Follow – Part 2 - 01/09/09 08:13 AM
On December 19th, we published a list of our favorite, MUST FOLLOW vacation home real estate Twitterers.  We thought of it as our favorite "Vacation Home Real Estate Travel Twitterati" list. 
What happened after we published the list?  The blog comment section was inundated with requests and suggestions for people we left out (100 plus requests and suggestions).  Because we value and appreciate community input, we logged and researched each and every request.  The additions to the previous list are published below.  Criteria to make the new list you ask?  1.) You had to be nominated, 2.) You had to be an active Twitterer with at least 2 Tweets … (2 comments)

vacation homes: Top 10 REAL ESTATE TWITTERERS TO FOLLOW - 12/19/08 01:48 AM
Top Vacation Real Estate Twitterers That You Should Follow -- My Sweet Viscape <!--[if lt IE 7]><link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" media="screen" /><![endif]--> .recentcomments a{display:inline !important;padding: 0 !important;margin: 0 !important;} My Sweet Viscape     Top Vacation Real Estate Twitterers That You Should Follow Posted by Dorothy | December 19th, 2008
Are you a vacation real estate professional or just simply interested in vacation real estate? Are you tired of scanning every news item, blog post or blurb about vacation destinations and vacation real estate in order to find out the most up-to-the-minute changes in the vacation home market? Well, there’s a … (1 comments)

vacation homes: Redefining the Rental Property Marketplace Using Social Media - 10/28/08 05:46 AM
Caroline Allison recently sat down with Steve Fisher (writer and blogger for Solutions are Power Blog) to discuss her lessons learned as a small business owner and the state of the travel industry. Caroline Allison and Steve Fisher share a similar passion for travel (Steve wants to get to all 7 continents before he kicks it).  Steve asked Caroline some pressing questions and here are the highlights from their interview that was published on the Solutions are Power Blog:

Caroline Allison speaking about Viscape.  
Steve: You have worked to help build many technology startups. What was the motivation to … (0 comments)

vacation homes: Vacation Rental Market: Property Owners’ Paradise - 10/27/08 05:23 AM
You don’t need us to tell you that these are some sad times for the real estate industry. Not only is it a tough time to sell; it’s pricey to market your listings when every penny matters.
That is, unless you’ve got vacation properties. These days, hotels are hurting, because the savvy traveler knows that rental homes are the place to stay. In the last year, more than 40 percent of leisure travelers have considered or booked a rental home, according to a recent study by PhoCusWright’s Vacation Rental Marketplace.
Continue reading ...

vacation homes: Drive Leads To You For FREE! - 08/29/08 07:53 AM
I'm so happy to be a part of this great community! It looks like there are a lot of great realtors around here.
I have been looking at some of your beautiful properties and thought you'd be interested in listing your properties for FREE on Viscape, a social marketplace for vacation homes where you can post your listings for FREE. With its Web 2.0 technology, Viscape will make other vacation home sites obsolete.
Travelers from all over the world are using Viscape to find vacation properties throughout the United States and around the globe, so listing your properties on Viscape is … (5 comments)


Sweet Viscape

Alexandria, VA

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Office: (703) 553-1180



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