oceanfront residences in miami beach: MEI, Miami Beach Condos Units For Sale
- 08/06/11 07:35 AM
I have 7 new units now available Call Vivian Laino for showings 1-305-794-4361 MEI, Miami Beach Condos Units #1906 PH For Sale MEI, Miami Beach Condos Units #608 For Sale MEi condo is the most prestigious residential address in Miami Beach offering only the finest features, services and amenities to a privileged few. It sits next to a thoroughfare that was once known as "Millionaires Row". This is the hot new area known as NoBe (North Miami Beach). Mei (pronounced May-e), which is Mandarin for beauty and femininity is a 22-story oceanfront condo with units ranging from just under 900 to 1900 square feet at (0 comments)