real estate agent productive: Selling Real Estate During the COVID-19 Pandemic - 03/30/20 01:41 PM
For today’s blog, I’m boiling down the advice to three crucial points. These are certainly different times. But we’ve faced adversity before and emerged through it. I’m confident we’ll do the same again after this passes. I want you to know we’re here for you… email me if you have specific questions at … and together, we’re going to beat this and get back to work in a big way. Here are those three points I want you to think about…
No. 1: Are You a Lion or a Lamb? - Think of a lion or a lioness for a second. … (1 comments)

real estate agent productive: Focus On What We Can Control - 02/26/20 09:15 AM
As the president and CEO of my own "control club" I have honestly struggled for so many years with the fact I am not able to control everything in my life. It is such an uncomfortable space for me to not be in control and why is that? So here’s the truth: Most of us know so many things in our world are outside of our control, right? The way other people act, the way they behave, the way they think.
If we want to be happy, if we want to be successful, if we want to be determined toward our … (1 comments)

real estate agent productive: The 12 Days Of Real Estate Christmas 2019 - 12/15/19 11:57 PM
On the first day of real estate my true love gave to me… Spend some focused time on your real estate database prior to 2019. If you don’t have a database then assemble one. Input names from your phone, emails, social media and client files. Take the time to build a monthly database touch system for 2020 making specific activities each month to add value and deepen your relationships with your database. Treat your clients like they are first class passengers on your own airline and not like their sitting in the back of your plane tossing them a bag … (2 comments)

real estate agent productive: Realtors© - This Will Make You Rich - 10/23/19 02:50 PM
I’m nervous posting this.
This message is so important, I worry my fumbling writing efforts won’t do it justice. You see, I want you to be rich. Ouch!….sounds like get-rich-quick hyperbole, right? ….let me explain.
I want you to feel wealthy – free to make decisions you need and want to make. And I want you to be free of the dark blanket of worry that I see burdens so many and drags them into playing it small. Just to be clear: this isn’t about possessions or cash in your wallet—it’s about the experience of abundance.
For most of us (myself included) we grew … (0 comments)

real estate agent productive: Realtor's Secrets To Being Consistent - 10/02/19 03:17 PM
One of the most common challenges for real estate agents I coach is their ability to be consistent. Most are masters of being consistently inconsistent and just desire to find that even flow. Consistency is a great characteristic to build and implement in your life. The key to consistency is setting and achieving specific goals. Start by determining how you want to be more consistent in your life, and aim for these small goals. Over time, as you become more consistent, keep yourself motivated and accountable. This may require some change in thinking so you stay optimistic and productive throughout the … (1 comments)

real estate agent productive: Secrets To Pursuing Your Passion - 09/22/19 08:31 PM
It can be difficult to find your way when you have a million interests tugging at your soul. They all seem like waiting opportunities, but which one is the right path for you? Singling out just one passion can seem like you are giving up other key interests, leaving you feeling unclear about whether you’re picking the best possible option of all the ones available, or going for something that might work but wouldn’t be as fulfilling as it could be. So how do you make a decision whether this is a passion of yours worth pursuing? Here are a few … (1 comments)

real estate agent productive: Secrets To Keeping Yourself Encouraged - 08/12/19 06:21 AM
Here is a familiar scenario for all of us: You have an exciting goal in mind for your real estate business, you’ve done your homework, you think you’re amply prepared… and things just don’t work out. You’ve probably had times when you thought you were doing what you were supposed to do, but you were misinformed. You thought you had it all laid out, and it just didn’t work. You burned the midnight oil day after day, and it didn’t help. You couldn’t seem to change the end result. These are times when you have to be your own best cheerleader. … (0 comments)

real estate agent productive: Top Ways How To Get Listings Now!! - 04/16/19 05:51 PM
N.A.R. reports state it takes four times the effort servicing a buyer than servicing a seller. Everyone wants to know the secret to working smarter and not working harder and in our business it’s Listings! Here are the top ways agents are getting listings and setting themselves up for a fantastic Q2 in real estate.
1. Your Database – you always start with the people you already know, like and trust. Ask everyone….“Of all the people you know, who would be moving next?”
2. Ask your database by Emailing, Video email, Social Media Posts “Wade Is Now Taking New Listings” beat the spring … (1 comments)

real estate agent productive: Less Means More in Your Real Estate Biz - 02/17/19 11:23 PM
Who hasn’t been discouraged by lack of follow-through or falling short of a desired goal or milestone? There are probably some good, objective reasons why this occurred; one that may go undetected, though, is the surplus of options that we encounter. Which might sound strange, for it seems at first glance that options are what allows us to choose well, right? But research has shown that too many choices can lead to discouragement, frustration and ultimately failure. So, fewer choices = better results. What we label a “lack of willpower” could in fact be too many choices.
Take the famous jam experiment—“When … (1 comments)