Warm Weather Real Estate Blog

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Real Estate Broker/Owner - Warm Weather Real Estate - AZ BR558423000
This is a very important item for every seller to consider - should you move out prior to trying to sell your home?  Or, can you make it continually showable while you live there?  You need to decide if you can tolerate the constant interruption(s) of showing your home when you’re right in the mi...
In selling your home for top dollar, one of the easiest things for you to do is an online thing.  You don’t necessarily have to be a computer genius to take care of this either.  The only thing you really have to be able to do is use and read a tape measure!  Quite a challenge, right? Many of the...
Are you thinking about selling your home?  Over the next few blogposts, I will give you some simple reminders of things you can do to maximize your sale price when you sell in Arizona. Generally speaking, this is a summary of the most important things to keep in mind.  You can do whatever you wan...
Recently one of my buyers had a little difficulty meeting the closing deadline.  He was all set to close.  He had signed the closing documents on Friday.  Closing was set for Monday.  We did the final walkthrough inspection on Saturday. Monday morning, he ordered his closing wire through his onli...
My former neighbor, who purchased his home in 2016, kept hinting that he was preparing to sell his home.  He had done some major improvements to the inside, and a little on the outside.  He was an experienced homeowner and usually made money in his real estate buying and selling.   He kept asking...
The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), a branch of the Federal Reserve Bank (Fed), met July 27, 2022, in one of eight yearly meetings, agreeing to raise the Federal Reserve interest rate by .75% to 2.5%.  The main reasons for the rate increase are to fight inflation and to slow job growth, wag...
Right now here in Arizona, we’re in the middle of our “Monsoon” weather pattern.  We seem to be having nearly daily thunderstorms, not predicted by the big tech weather sites.  It’s interesting how some of these pop-up storms have been rather severe, totally by surprise. In my neighborhood, Sunla...
Everywhere we hear people talking about the real estate market in Arizona. “Looks like prices are holding their own in your neighborhood.” “Whoa!!  Just wondering and talking to friends about it. Not buying🤓” “I'm seeing a lot of price cuts.”   So, you’d like to know how the market in Arizona is ...
City of Mesa Household Hazardous Materials Facility Now Open Date: 10/25/2018 9:34 AM The City of Mesa Household Hazardous Materials Facility is now open.  Mesa residents now have year-round access to drop off their household hazardous materials such as paint, pesticides, batteries, tires, propa...
Arizona Retirement Homes For Sale - Retirement Homes For Sale Arizona In Arizona, a retirement home usually means that the home is located in a community which has a Homeowners Association (HOA) with adopts rules that one owner must be at least 55 years old.  In certain situations, the age restri...

Bob Marsh

480-529-2936, Warm Weather Real Estate
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