Credit Blog

Services for Real Estate Pros - Credit Coach, LLC



Now that Christmas is over, it's time to focus on paying off Holiday debt.  High balances and finance charges can be a burden and actually limit financial opportunities by keeping your credit scores lower than they should be.  Remember, debt utilization accounts for 30% of your credit score.  By ...
A credit inquiry reflects on a credit report to show that a business has previously requested a copy of the report.  When you check your credit report, you may notice that a number of credit inquiries have been made, sometimes from a business that you don't recognize.  Not all inquiries affect yo...
Minimum Scoring Criteria for FICO The question has been asked:  "Why does my credit report show 0 for a score?" The Fair Isaac scoring model has minimum scoring criteria in order for someone to register a FICO score.  •1.)    There cannot be a deceased notation being reported to the credit bureau...
I would like to clarify the difference between credit scores and the different scoring models that are available to consumers.  As we all know by now, the three major credit reporting agencies are Trans Union, Experian, and Equifax.  What a lot of people don't know is how there credit scores are ...
Short-Sale vs. Foreclosure??? This is the hot topic right now and for some reason many people are still finding it confusing; most likely due to the mis-information being spread about the topic. With the current state of the mortgage market, consumers that are trying to do the right thing and sel...

Kevin Weier

local_phone(608) 268-6677
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