juice for the day: Graduation speech from High School. - 06/18/09 05:28 AM
Sometimes, as Christians we get stuck in this mindset- The mindset that we need to obey what God's Word tells us so to the world we appear to be followers of Christ. This, my friends and fellow classmates, is the wrong reason. In the past few years I've found myself slowly falling into this same category. I obeyed because I wanted my teachers, mentors, pastors, friends and peers all to view me as a good Christian. I rarely ever considered why I needed to obey past the superficial aspect of merely carrying the Christian title. When we get to heaven, God … (4 comments)

juice for the day: To some, life is a breeze and for others it's just one head wind after the other. (Anon) - 04/15/09 04:02 AM
Anon When I'm training on my bike, sometimes I will be going down a hill and the head wind is so strong that it seems as if I can't pedal hard enough, or fast enough, just to keep the bike in the upright position. This just doesn't seem fair. I worked so hard to get to the top of the hill to enjoy the ride down. When I first started riding, my good friend and trainer, Katherine, would ride behind me. Every time I would stop pedaling, she would yell "DON'T STOP PEDALING!!" Then she would add, "If you stop, … (5 comments)

juice for the day: Everyone has his superstitions. One of mine has always been when I started to go anywhere, or to do anything, never to trun back or to stop until the thing intended was accomplished. (Ulysses S. Grant) - 04/01/09 04:12 AM
Anyone who has been watching or studying the financial picture lately realizes that things have been a little challenging in the Real Estate and Lending business. Guidelines that once changed every few weeks are now changing daily. I have been accused, in the past, of being the last person standing (or going down with the ship) during difficult situations. Some might think of thisas foolishness, but I take that as a compliment. When I give my word, I do everything in my power to keep it. Sometimes the situation hasn't always work out as I had hoped and I have, at times, taken some … (1 comments)

juice for the day: "A filing cabinet is a place where things get lost alphabetically. (Anon) - 03/24/09 02:57 AM
My wife had me clean out our filing cabinet at home a few weeks ago. I found files dating as far back as a quarter of a century. I'm not the only one that has a problem with keeping files. I found a file of hers with all the instruction manuals foranything, and everything, that we've purchased over the last 23 years. I'm not kidding! This thing had a life of its own. It must weigh ten pounds and is about four inches thick. I found a manual to a handheld sander attachment for a drill from 1985, the year we … (1 comments)

juice for the day: Both sugar and vinegar are preservatives, so it seems to boil down to whether you want to be pickled or in a jam. (Anon) - 03/23/09 08:09 AM
My mother told me that my grandfather liked to eat pickles with jam on them. You would think someone with those taste buds would be all messed up! But, my grandfather had the most balance life of anyone I know, and live to be 90 years old. To preserve a quality of life, sometimes we need to mix it up to make life more interesting.
Rick Huffman

juice for the day: "King Saul thougth Goliath was too big to fight - David thought he was too big to miss. (Anon) - 03/16/09 02:18 AM
Isn't it amazing how two people can be in the same arena but their expectations are vastly different. We have multiple lessons that can be learned from this. When King Saul saw Goliath, his mind became clouded with fear, not with solutions. David on the other had prepared, through prayer, in which God gave him focus. This helped him prepare for battle by selecting the perfect stones for his sling. When David approached Goliath, he saw a target that couldn't be missed. When Goliath approached David, he saw how small he was and totally underestimated his potential. He wasn't fully prepared, … (2 comments)

juice for the day: Trust your own instinct. your mistakes might as well be your own, instead of someone else's. (Billy Wilder) - 03/12/09 03:16 AM
If it doesn't feel right then it probably isn't right. When you're guiding your progress, wouldn't you rather be the captain making the final decision for your own personal destination rather than leaving your fate in the hands of others. Pay attention to your instincts and believe in yourself! Your gut instinct is always the better guide.

juice for the day: Freedom is not the right to do as you please, but the liberty to do as we ought. (Anon) - 03/11/09 03:23 AM
I believe this is what the founding fathers thought when creating our constitution. Freedom does not stand for disrespecting the rights of others, it stands for the opportunity to make a positive impact. I still think we need to keep a sharp eye on our government because we know they don't always do as they ought!
Rick Huffman

juice for the day: "He who walks in another's tracks leaves no footprints." (Joan L. Brannon) - 03/02/09 02:54 AM
I lived in Alaska when I was a kid and after a good snow fall several of us would gather and have the person with the largest boots walk across a yard piled high with fresh snow. The rest of us would try to follow in their foot steps. We could usually get several across before anyone could tell any difference in the tracks. Sometimes in life you need to put on a larger pair of boots to be the one blazing the trail.

juice for the day: It is so much easier to tell a person what to do with his problem than to stand with him in his pain. (Anon) - 02/27/09 02:27 AM
Whether we like it or not, I think this economy is going to challenge us to be more active in helping our family, friends, and those in need. That is not a bad thing, it will help bring us all closer together. We as a country have pushed to far to the, me first and forget the rest. I'm not picking on the higher tax bracket people that everyone seems to like to point fingers at. I'm referring to every one of us. Believe me when I say, I always look in the mirror first. and I always find need for improvement.

juice for the day: All things must change to something new, to something strange. (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow) - 02/25/09 04:34 AM
"Networking on the web" is getting crazy. First I signed up for Active Rain. After I did that, I found out I should be signed up on Linkedin, then Facebook, and now Twitter! WOW! Where does it end? I remember when Instant Messaging was a stretch. I liked yelling into the next room, asking for my paperwork. It was good for your lungs. Doesn't that count as exercise?
Rick Huffman

juice for the day: If Columbus had truned back, no one would have blamed him. No one would have remembered him either. (Anon) - 02/20/09 01:57 AM
Sometimes you have to fight to get your point across, just like Columbus did to get the money to back his voyage. I'm sure people thought he was crazy. It's alright to be a little crazy, if you have a dream and a plan. Are you doing memorable things with your life?
Rick Huffman

juice for the day: "Enjoyment is not a goal; it is a feeling that accompanies important ongoing activity." (Paul Goodman) - 02/19/09 06:35 AM
I know that this quote is really telling us that accomplishments will make us happy. I do agree with that except, you also need some of what I call "brain dead" time. I love comedies, and we have a movie at home called Rate Race. I have watched that movie at least a dozen times! Every time I watch it, I laugh so hard, I start to cry. I forget about all the challenges that have confronted me that day. One of my Aunts used to find humor in everything. She taught in one of the roughest Junior High Schools in … (1 comments)

juice for the day: Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do. (Johann Von Goethe) - 02/17/09 02:31 AM
You can buy and listen to all the CD's, attend all the seminars, and read as many books as you want, but if you don't ever try what you have learned your time will have been wasted. Knowledge is powerful when it is used to help others. I would also set up a partner to practice what you have learned. It will make it more engaging and fun.
Thank you,
Rick Huffman

juice for the day: "Most of us get what we deserve, but only the successful will admit it." (Anon) - 02/12/09 03:57 AM
They are not talking about bragging here. They're telling you, that you get what you ask of yourself. Are you asking yourself the right questions?
1. Are the tasks I'm performing producing results?
2. Are the people I'm talking with have the same goals and dreams?
3. Have I been considerate of others today?
You deserve the best today!

juice for the day: "We must always change, renew, rejuvenate ourselves; otherwise we harden." (Johann Von Goethe) - 02/10/09 01:40 AM
I was on Youtube last night and pulled up Jim Rohn to get some of his insight. What else do you do at midnight? If you don't know who Jim is, he is one of the original, motivational speakers. He talked about four things that will encourage change.
1. Disgust: You must be totally disgusted with your current situation.
2. Decision: You must make a total commitment to what you want to accomplish.
3. Desire: you have to have an intense drive for what you want to do or become.
4. Resolve: you must promise yourself that you will do what … (1 comments)

juice for the day: A friend is one who helps you bridge the gaps between loneliness and fellowship, frustration and confidence, despair and hope, setbacks and success. (Anon) - 02/07/09 05:47 PM
Our daughter has a friend (BFF) that has been a part of her life since she was 3 years old.  Strangely, they didn't hit it off right away, but as time has progressed, they have become fast friends.  Now that they are older and have some what separate lives, they still care about the success and well being of each other.  This was accomplished through "mega" hours on the cell phone and countless sleepovers.

juice for the day: The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it. (Moliere) - 02/04/09 03:12 AM
When I was young, we lived by a large field filled with Blackberry bushes. Now, if you have ever been poked by one, you know how much it hurts. A buddy came over one day with a pair of gardening clippers and asked if I wanted to build a fort. I said "Sure, but what are you doing with the clippers?" "We're going to use them to build our fort!" he replied. Where I come from, you need a hammer and some nails to build a fort. I told him there was no way I was going into those bushes and … (2 comments)

juice for the day: "Our days are like identical suitcases-all the same size, some people pack more in them than others." (Anon) - 02/03/09 02:48 AM
My wife is one of those people that can pack a suitcase like no other. I declare, when we go on trips, she can pack everything except the kitchen sink. She also is one of the hardest workers I know. She plans her choices wisely each morning, preparing for the things she wants to accomplish that day. Some people might think she is a little over the top but, in reality, it is a wise move because she knows how valuable time is.

juice for the day: Two pessimists met at a party. Instead of shaking hands, they shook heads. (Anon) - 01/30/09 02:31 AM
I was driving though a parking lot the other day and I saw two people having a conversation. I couldn't hear them, but they were quite animated. I can tell you that, whatever they were talking about, it had them shaking their heads so much, they looked like a couple of bobble head dolls! I didn't need to hear them to know that they were complaining about something and not solving anything. Stay away from the bobble heads in life and work with people who have their heads firmly planted on their shoulders.


Rick Huffman

Kent, WA

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Mortgage Banker

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