A fun thought for the day!! This is a re-blog and Barb Fischer of La Mesa, CA deserves credit and comment for her original work. Thank you Barb for my "thought for the day." I've disabled comment and encourage you to comment directly to Barb via link belowOne of my favorite stories is found in
A recent post (dare I say rant) brought to mind the importance of listening. I am a huge proponent of time conservation. You'll hear me say so often that 24 hours is all we have and we better use it wisely. And so, we learn to listen. We learn to ask the right questions and we learn to disengage
Answer: Both take a long time and leave you hungry and unsatisfied! Recently, I spent a Saturday and Sunday holding open house in a furnished model for an agent in a new home neighborhood. As the hours passed, with almost no traffic, I was reminded why I'm no longer exclusively in new home sales.
Important thoughts about mortgages. This is a re-blog and Frank Moham of Newport Beach, CA deserves credit and comment for his original work. Thank you Frank for my "thought for the day." I've disabled comment and encourage you to comment directly to Frank via link below Here is an interesti
Important thoughts about Buying a home. This is a re-blog and Benjamin Clark of Salt Lake City, UT deserves credit and comment for his original work. Thank you Ben for my "thought for the day." I've disabled comment and encourage you to comment directly to Ben via link below I have a lot of peop
Important thoughts about Buyer representation. This is a re-blog and Peggy Chirico of Hartford, CT deserves credit and comment for her original work. Thank you Peggy for my "thought for the day." I've disabled comment and encourage you to comment directly to Peggy via link below When I am s
I opened her email and here's what I found... I sent your feedback to my sellers and they want to know exactly what "clutter" you were speaking of. Please let me know and I will let them know. "You know the day I had the Realtor Luncheon and had approximately 50 agents come, not one of them had