
Home Odors

Home Stager with Elegant Stager

 Not the first choice of topics for most, but it's a problem I run into frequently. So let's jump in together and hold our nose.

Let's face it, every home has an odor. Some are pleasant, like homemade chocolate chip cookies fresh from the oven. Some are not so pleasant, like last nights Mexican dinner. Ah.. the smell of fried meat with all those great spices, re-fried beans, Spanish rice, and if you went way out, Margaritas! What tasted and smelled great last night, not so great of a smell the next day. Even worse, the odor we never want to talk about, that little accident that Fido had on the carpet last week that lingers forever if not cleaned properly.

I've been asked many times, how do you tell a client that their house has an odor without offending them? I handle this situation in two ways. First I give all of my clients a to do list that includes odor elimination. For example: Wash all window treatments, have all carpets and furniture professionally cleaned, and no smoking in the house. I even go as far as telling them to wash all dirty clothes before a showing or an open house. This is especially important for clients that have children. Have you ever smelled the sweaty clothes and gear of a child that just returned from a sporting event? Not a pretty smell.

If there is still an odor in the house the day I stage, I will gently break the news to my client and help them locate and eliminate the odor.  Do not try to cover it up with an air freshener, eliminate it. That is another problem I find often. Some people think they need to put an air freshener in every room when they are trying to sell or light tons of candles. I discourage my clients from this because not everyone likes a strong perfume smell, or for some it may even trigger an allergic reaction. This would not be a great first impression.


I can walk into a home and smell corned beef and cabbage and have that "at home feel". I love corned beef and cabbage and the smell of it brings back great childhood memories for me. My daughter on the other hand, bless her little Irish heart, would gag and run. She finds the smell of it nauseating.

The moral of the story is: What smell is inviting to one may not be inviting to others.




Andrew Haslett
Van Warren Home Inspections, NAHI CRI - Fort Knox, KY
Heartland of Kentuckynulls, Best Home Inspector


I have Fidos and Kittys. They do tend to have accidents, and sometimes, on-purposes.

Simple Solution (brand name) works well. So does Oxy-clean. It removes the bacteria that are causing the odor.

Mar 24, 2009 10:19 AM
Diane Rice
Rice Prprty Mgmnt & Rlty, LLC, South Holland, IL - Lansing, IL

Good thoughts there Belinda.  You must be certainly cut out for the job if you can tell them to wash their dirty laundry!  LOL   Isn't odor-free almost impossible to obtain?  What about the colognes on the dressers, basement dampness, soaps in the bathrooms, leftover breakfast aromas, etc?

Mar 24, 2009 11:41 AM
Belinda OnullBrien
Elegant Stager - New Lenox, IL
Elegant Stager, New Lenox, IL

Andrew ~ You have to be very careful with the oxy-clean. I have an orange spot on my carpet to prove it. I have beige carpet and foolish me, did not use a test spot. It bleached the area orange.

Diane ~ I am blunt, but very nice about it. I always tell my clients that I have pets and children and that my house smells from time to time. A dog, lizard, frogs, fish and a teenage son that plays hockey says it all.

It's the bad odors/ heavy odors you want to keep out.

You can rid basement dampness with a dehumidifier and cleaning it.

Personal items like colognes would be put away during staging because those are personal items. If they are closed they should not give off an odor.

Soaps in the bath are fine. Again, if they are closed they should not have an odor.

As far as food odors, such as bacon my favorite, they linger for hours. Let's face it, home sellers cannot go without cooking. I tell them to use their vents and air the house out, wash dishes immediately and take out the trash.

I also tell my clients with pets to have them professionally groomed every six weeks to help get rid of the "wet dog smell".

A good home stager will cover all of the bases with clients. In a gentle fun way!



Mar 24, 2009 12:05 PM
Fernando Rosado
West Palm Beach, FL
561-906-0050 or 561-840-8950

Great topic , But as Barb Shwarz says " If you can smell it.....You can't Sell It"

Mar 24, 2009 12:40 PM
Diane Rice
Rice Prprty Mgmnt & Rlty, LLC, South Holland, IL - Lansing, IL

My hat is off to you... sure is a "nosey" job!  LOL

Mar 25, 2009 03:08 AM