Hello everyone out there in Realtor land. Tracey here in Sunny Greensboro, NC in bloggersvile. Last night was a local builder's yearly party for all of the Realtors that have sold one of their properties throughout the year. There was a DJ, lots of nice food, and FREE BOOZE. So, as you can guess...there were quite a few Realtors enjoying free booze.
I was with my sister, who also happens to be a broker under me, and we had a terrific time! But with all good things, I noticed a few things that I wanted to chat with the world about. It seems that 3 out of 4 Realtors wanted to complain, bitch, moan, stress, and generally talk down about our profession in "this market". I can understand that yes, this is a trying time to be in real estate. I understand you are stressed out. I get it.
So instead of saying all the clique things like, "it will get better" or "just wait it out"...I went searching for ways to RELIEVE REALTOR STRESS!!! So here goes...
1. LOL cats. Google LOL cats and video and you will discover or possibly rediscover the funniest thing on the interweb. If I am dealing with 11 closings and my phone is ringing, and I am frazzled...I take a minute and LITERALLY Laugh out loud. Seriously, TRY and watch the videos without even a giggle.
2. Start FIESTA FRIDAYs in your office! We initiated plan Fiesta Friday a couple years back, and if we have had a particularly rough week...we throw a party at the office! We invite staff, friends, and clients to the office. Last time, we got a grill and some hotdogs and cooked out. We bought the "Margarator" for homemade Margaritas, and we partied in the parking lot like college kids. Random folks driving home stopped in too!
3. Bring tennis shoes to the office. In the middle of the day...WALK! Get your booty on the street and walk it out! I am also a bit fan of punching things. My sister bought the man shaped punching/self defense guy and he is terrific. Kick, scream, punch, and all together kick ass on this guy! He could care less. AND you are less likely to bring it back into the office
4. Buy a KREUG one cup coffee maker! These things are the bomb! We bought one and now we all have tea and coffee time together. Makes the office smell amazing, and you don't waste any coffee because you make one perfect cup at a time!
5. Buy a Nerf Dart gun of some sort! There is no adrenaline rush like hiding behind a door in the middle day and running out to shoot a coworker in the beak over the cubicle! We have a fun styrofoam type gun with multiple bullets. I am thinking about getting the Rambo one with a clip of a hundred bullets! Wham! Be scared office mates!
6. Bring your pet to work day! We often have dogs in the office for the day. It makes you smile, people are happier around dogs, and the dogs like it! Unless they poop on the carpet...then it is not as much fun. My mom often brings my "sister" Babette into the office on her pink harness wearing her Chanel perfume! It's great.
7. Make a DREAM BOARD. Every year I make a dream board of all the things I want to happen in my life. I hang it on the wall across from my desk so that I can see it all day. It is mostly pictures of tropical beaches and the abs I want to have one day. So it is a nice escape, and all I have to do is look up.
8. Collect something weird! I collect photos of people's teeth and cut them out. Now I have a wall of teeth behind my desk. When folks come in my office, it breaks the ice and then they want to know why I have teeth on the wall. Of course, you could collect something normal...but weird is cool too.
9. Leave good magazines in the bathroom! I have a basket of magazines in my bathroom here at the office and I "escape" at least 3 or 4 times a day. Sometimes I don't even need to tinkle...I just wanna get away. People, OK, and the juicy tabloids are in there, as are Maxim and Elle. Don't take your phone either...get away!
10. SMILE. Even if you don't feel like it. And listed to your I-pod...that helps too.
Good luck all you stressed out Realtors. Here's one Nerf bullet to your sanity!
Tracey G. Shrouder
360 Realty