
A great time to buy real estate

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Michael Dixon Realty

Spring is here. This should be the peak season for buying and selling residential real estate. But even the "peak" season this year is not as good as a poor season in years past. We all are victims of a major economic downturn.

But ... take heart! After the market hits bottom there's nowhere to go but up. Get on board.

What are the smart people doing? They are investing in tangible goods including homes and land. They are taking advantage of a buyer's market. A large inventory of unsold properties, and low interest rates, have put buyers in charge of the market.

Are you taking advantage of buying opportunities?

I use those words "taking advantage" guardedly. Please don't follow the example of some buyers by making such a low offer on a property that there's almost no chance of making a deal. Not all sellers are desperate to unload real estate, and they will not entertain offers that border on insult.

On the other hand, many bargains are there for the taking. In our own area around Americus and Ellaville, Ga., we have the most houses for sale right now that we have had in my 13 years in this real estate market. Many sellers are ready to deal; they just want to be treated fairly.

Mortgage money is available from a wide variety of sources, and lenders are eager to work with you. If you are thinking about buying real estate, and have not been pre-approved for mortgage loan, talk with a lender soon. The pre-approved buyer always has the advantage over one who hasn't bothered to nail down the source of a loan.

I've said this a thousand times, but here I go again: Whenever possible, work with a local lender, someone who is a part of your community, someone you may see at the grocery store or gas station. Local lenders share your interest in your community because it's also theirs. And they compete for your business.

May I get a bit personal? I recently listed a very nice property in a very nice neighborhood in Americus. If you know someone looking in the $250,000 range, please tell them to call me. (229-924-3089)

There are some nice properties priced well under that figure, too. If you are thinking of buying, you need to be looking now. If you are thinking of selling, price your property to compete. You may want to give it a spring makeover. If you would like to have my personal advice, without obligation, please get in touch.

Best wishes, buyers and sellers.