
Help! What Is the Most Effective Advertising You Find to Attract Buyer??

Real Estate Agent with Maximum One Realty

I have tried everything to try and get Buyers to see my Listings...nothing seems to work in this market. The homes are not Short Sales or REO...but are discounted I know its about impossible to compete w/these homes...any ideas??



Kathy Kooyman
Home Realty - Pella, IA


This is exactly why I am on Active Rain at this moment, I am looking for ideas.  I have two homes priced in the high $400's with no lookers.  One of these homes is offering a large bonus to the selling agent a couple  other homes in town are offering $5,000 Gift Cards to the local furniture Store but it still isn't bringing in the buyers.

Mar 31, 2009 04:12 AM