

Services for Real Estate Pros with Farmers Insurance

After watching 20/20 last night I thought that rather than sit here and educate my audience on insurance, I thought it would be a good change of pace to write something different that regards our nation.

Like I mentioned earlier, I saw a report on 20/20 regarding the amount of debt that we, as Americans, have accumulated close to a decade - $2.5 trillion dollars on credit card debt.  It's not only shocking to see that figure and read about the families that have losed hope on the "American Dream." Moreover, before I go any further can you describe what the "American Dream is and/or was?" Was it:

  1. A big home?
  2. Having fancy cars?
  3. Having a big family?
  4. A combination of all three?
  5. None of the above
  6. Was it greed that we develped within the inside of ourselves?

Even though some financial advisors don't know when or if we've hit rock bottom yet, last night, for me, was definitely rock bottom.  Just watching/reading of people losing their homes, hearing people losing their jobs and/or seeing people with anxiety because of the lack of income they are bringing home is very hard to cope with.

Our country was built on the foundation that if we do things properly, we will see prosperity but with this going on and on top of that we have the media constantly being so negative, how can we even get motivated to get out of this mess? We fought through the "Great Depression," we've fought in two World Wars, we did the unthinkable - put a man on the moon, so on and so on; what separates us from every other nation? Simple....Our creativity, innovative and fighting spirits.  That when we are in trouble, we, as a nation come together to try to fix the problem.

As an individual, what can you do to help? First, you and your family must be united.  Second, with your actions, inspire other individuals. Lets get our country back on track together by doing things properly.  God gave us all a seed to plant.  Lets plant them and cultivate together.

I'll leave you with this: "Our problems are man-made, therefore they may be solved by man. No problem of human destiny is beyond human beings." President John F. Kennedy