My wife and I try to go to the local gym on a regular basis. I always wear a T-shirt that is a possible attraction to someone else. For example, a shirt that has a sports team logo or a sponsored event such as a local annual 5K run (the t-shirts that you get for participating in some event). Before I started my Real Estate career I wore these types of shirts unintentionally, but now I do so on purpose. My wife on the other hand always used to wear a sweat wicking, solid color shirt and always wondered why I'm a social butterfly with complete strangers while at the gym.
In the last two weeks I've been approached by two people at the gym due to the screenprint on the front of my shirt. On both occasions, I ended up swapping info with these people. It's amazing what a T-shirt can accomplish.
The first instance I wore my Gators T-shirt to the gym and was approached by a UF alumnus. Instant connection! He explained that he and his wife always wished they had Gator friends up here in NC so they could get together for a beer while watching the games (Basketball or Football, these days). I agreed and voila we are now friends and he and his wife are instant contacts.
The second instance I wore an annual 100 mile bicycle ride T-shirt (Blood, Sweat & Gears held in the mountains of NC) and lo and behold another gentleman was wearing the exact same shirt. It didn't take long for us to start a conversation, in fact I only did three sets the whole time we were at the gym. His wife overheard me introducing my wife, Sarah, and later on she approached Sarah and introduced herself saying, "I guess we'd better get familiar with each other as our husbands appear to be instant friends". She was right. We exchanged info and rode 30 miles on our bikes the following Sunday.
I later explained to Sarah that you have to dress for success, even at the gym. If you're wearing your interests on your shirt who knows who might approach might just produce a good friend.