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No More Free Tissues

Services for Real Estate Pros with Re/Max North Orange County

Dwight K. SchruteAfter personally conducting a cost-benefit analysis, I have concluded that the company can no longer afford to be wasting its money providing you with free tissues. If you are a frequent tissue-user (I'm looking at you, Alice), you can choose to purchase a personal box of tissues or follow my example by bringing your own handkerchief into the office. Before you pass judgment, let me remind you that a hankey is a great way to be environmentally friendly.   It also serves as a reminder of times past. My hankey is a family heirloom, passed down from Schrute to Schrute for generations. Every time I use it, I think back to the time when my paternal grandfather used it back in the old country. Once in a long while, I'll blow my nose and smell the rich aroma of ancient Bavarian beet fields nestled into the fabric of my hankey.     I look at its frayed, tattered edges and breathe a sigh of relief knowing that I'm carrying around a piece of history that's helping me save the future.