
Life Expectancy Calculator

Real Estate Agent with Realty One Group / Mountain Desert

This is a really neat tool.  Is the stress of Real Estate - or life in general - cutting your life short?  Take this quiz to find out your Virtual Age and Life Expectancy.   Virtual Age  It's fun, too!  I'm almost 47, yet going on 30.5 :-) with a life expectancy of 90.5 (that's not that great and I'll be working on that number)!

Many things we have no control over - yet so many factors, we actually hold the key...Enjoy your life, be thankful for what you have (yet motivated and expecting more) - cut the burger and fries to 1 time per month (if you are thankful for it and appreciate it - it's enough), and most importantly, learn how to roll with the punches - Be thankful for the blows of life as they are there to push us to the next level! 

Let's start a Centurian Realtors Club!

Virtual Age