
Success One Day at a Time...

Real Estate Agent with Sundance Realty

Success One Day at a Time...

Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people

who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.  Dale Carnegie

Does this sound like a familiar situation, the reporters on CNN and NBC and CBS talk as if there has never been a more trying economic time, you would think the last time we had any kinds of trials or tribulations was during the Great Depression, sometimes it takes immense pressure to create treasure, sounds like a diamond in the rough.

These kinds of Economic situations, either cause people to be overcomers or to be overcome. I know that in my own life when I have gone through circumstances beyond my control that is when I found out what I was truly made of. I will always choose to have the serene times, when barely a troubled wind is blowing, but when the storms of life come, and they do, I would rather know that just up around the corner a new day is dawning, with hope and dreams renewed,

I want to encourage myself right along with all of you, see we are just coming to that corner and when we draw closer, be ready occasionally that is when it seems the most demanding. Just plant your feet firmly and don't be moved by the circumstances of life.

Victory is always sweet, and not giving up is part of the dance.


Shannon Pope, Broker

Sundance Realty  

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Jim Cheney
Saint Francis Property Santa Rosa, CA - Santa Rosa, CA
Rincon Valley Realtor 707.494.1055

Dale Carnegie had it right

Mar 31, 2009 09:42 AM
Ilyce Glink
Think Glink Media - Chicago, IL
Best-selling author, award-winning TV/radio host.

Shannon- You have a great attitude. More people could learn from your positive example.

Mar 31, 2009 10:33 AM