How would you like $18,000 for buying a home in Placentia, Yorba Linda, Brea, Fullerton or any city in Calfornia?
Is this really possible? Is there a catch? Who is pulling your leg you say?
These are all valid questions and yes we are living in on of the best times in history to buy a home in California.
This is the way the $18,000 find your way to your wallet.
1. First time buyers get $8,000 refundable credit from the Federal Government when they file their income tax. You can file for this credit with your 2008 return or 2009. Presently this credit is only valid for the year 2009.
2. If you buy a brand new home the state of California will give you $10000. This money will be available in 2009 and only until the funds budgeted for this program are available. Once they ran out the money is gone.
So if you are a first time buyer in Placentia, Brea, Yorba Linda, Fullerton or any other city in California and the property is brand new you will get a total of $18000.
With interest rates in the mid to 4s there has never been a cheaper way to borrow mortgage money in the history of our country.
Call me now so that I can help your dream of buying a home come true. If you want to sell your home I can help you get the most exposure therefore helping you get the best sales price.
Martin Garces
Prudential California Realty