
Real Estate Flyers – What Sells a Home

Services for Real Estate Pros with Real Estate Flyers

Real Estate Flyers – What Sells a Home

When a buyer is doing the initial drive-by of a potential property, the first thing they look for is a real estate flyer describing the house, the yard and the neighborhood. Having a professional flyer with the right information is critical to keeping your property’s flyer out of the trash. real estate flyer 1 provides professional templates, but what about the information you are putting on the flyer. What helps to sell a home for the highest selling price? You might be surprised at what research done by Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner, authors of the book "Freakonomics", has shown. Words and phrases that you would at first glance think would be valuable selling points, are not as valuable as originally thought. Here are what they found to be the five most common "DOs" and "DON’Ts".

DOs: Granite, State-of-the-Art, Corian, Maple, Gourmet

DON’Ts: Fantastic, Spacious, "!", Charming, Great Neighborhood

A seller or seller’s agent thinks, "the house is ‘fantastic!’ why shouldn’t I include that on the sales flyer?" What research has shown is that physical descriptions of the house are correlated to higher selling prices while vague adjectives such as "fantastic" do nothing to demand a higher price.

When creating a flyer for a property, stick to descriptions that highlight the specific attributes of the property. Instead of "Charming home in a great neighborhood", use "Colonial home with wraparound porch located in high ranking school district." Charming home can have many meanings, but colonial home with wraparound porch gives a potential buyer a picture of what the home has to offer. Great neighborhood could mean this home isn’t so great, but the neighborhood is nice. While stating that the home is located in a high ranking school district lets buyers know their children will be attending good schools.

The bottom line is… be specific. Don’t use ambiguous descriptions that leave the buyer to wonder what you meant. Use strong descriptions of physical attributes of the home, and your house flyer will help you or your client to achieve the highest selling price.


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David Ravashiere
David Ravashiere, Tee 2 Green Real Estate - Chandler, AZ

Rob -- Good post.  When doing flyers for a home I try very hard to make them look as though they were professonally produced ... not like they just came off my HP (which, of course, they did).  To that end I use high quality paper (you can buy flyer grade paper at an office products store) and will usually trim the edges of each flyer to give it a 'full bleed' look.  I also make sure that I have a short stack of the same flyer inside the house for buyers to take with them.

Apr 02, 2009 08:06 AM
Kelsey Barklow
Hurd Realty - Johnson City, TN

Thanks for these flyer and home description tips. Our company has a really good onliine program which produces a variety of professional-quality color flyers. Nice perk for me.

Apr 02, 2009 08:42 AM
Kenny Hayslett
Re/Max Realtec Group - Clearwater, FL

Thanks for the post.  It's always good to spend a little more time and put a little more effort in researching and describing the community that our listings are situated in. 

Apr 02, 2009 08:59 AM
Fred Griffin Florida Real Estate
Fred Griffin Real Estate - Tallahassee, FL
Licensed Florida Real Estate Broker

Hi, Rob.

We invite you back to ActiveRain!

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    Surf some blogs, leave some comments.  Better yet, post a Blog.

    Best to you!

Nov 04, 2015 11:17 AM