Hey! That's cheatin'!!!!
My friend and associate Barbara Duncan (she used to be my Art teacher) wrote this blog. I think it is a great one!
I had reason to get on the net and search for homes in a little Georgia town. I looked on realtor.com and did a search.
I know what it costs to be on realtor.com with enhanced listings. I paid a lot to be able to display 25 photos of each listing. Then you pay extra for your listing to pull up as a featured property.
Imagine my surprise when this house pulled up and displayed 4 pictures of the same house. In the middle was a circle saying "See all 25 photos."
You guessed it! This agent had 25 pictures all just alike!! If you clicked to see all 25 you got them all just alike.
This listing agent had to upload the same picture 25 times! I don't know of any really easy way to do this although it would be easier then uploading 25 different pictures.
As a shopper, I was not impressed. This agent had at least two listings that he'd done this way. I wouldn't want to call this agent about this house or any other house.
As a listing agent, I think his broker must be footing the bill and the agent doesn't care what it costs. I pay my own bills and for my own advertising and this was one big waste of money.
The ones with the most pictures can be selected to pull up first, as any smart shopper will prefer, so this agent was cheatin'! He got his to pull up quickly but he didn't impress!