
Aaaaahhh! Remember The Movie "Home Alone"? How To Stay Safe in Empty REO Properties

Real Estate Appraiser

With more and more foreclosures taking place every day, appraisers, real estate agents, engineers and many other professionals are being called on to spend a lot of time in empty houses doing appraisals, BPOs, inspections and repairs. Here are some tips that hopefully, will keep folks safe when going into these homes. Click here to learn more
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Russel Ray, San Diego Business & Marketing Consultant & Photographer
Russel Ray - San Diego State University, CA

I absolutely despise being in a vacant home by myself, so when I am, I tend to lock all the doors and windows while I'm there. Courtesy of some neighbors, I did have the police come to check up on me one time -- LOL.

Oct 13, 2009 01:40 PM
Adam Brett
The Adam and Eric Group - Fullerton, CA
The Adam and Eric Group, Fullerton's Finest

great movie. great tips. thanks for sharing.

Mar 25, 2011 01:10 PM