Hi Everyone! This is it,.......my very first blog! WooHoo!
Recently, I was invited to a potential sellers home to talk to them about listing. After speaking to the wife through the week, I was feeling very positive about the up-coming meeting and felt sure that I would come out of it with a new listing to sell. WOW! In comes Husband. He states the facts and the facts are that I am now his employee, and I will be paid according to what he feels I'm worth, therefore at least a 50% commission reduction would be in order, as well, he will tell me what his house is valued at and,and, and,......So much negativity, and so much wasted time and effort. It took me many years before I learned the fine art of saying no, but finally, I had a great opportunity to exercise my new found talent. I politely asked him to please stop the bus, and let me off there. Thanked him for the opportunity to waste my time and showed myself out the door without so much as offering him a snippett of my research on the stats of what his home was worth.
I remembered something at that moment that a very wise mentor in business said to me once, "If it's difficult in the beginning, It will be difficult all the way through the whole process". Over my years in this business, I have had the pleasure and the pain of working with all sorts of people. Some kind, some grateful and some down right nasty.
No one needs to let anyone de-value their service, or rob them of their enthusiasm while working in this field. I'm happy to have learned the ability to say no and am looking forward to the rewards of the future while working with positive people who appreciate me, my skill and my service. As for Mr. Grumpy Pants, I told him to go and sell it himself. He seemed to know it all anyway! haahaha!
Here's to the joy of working with happy positive people!
Have an excellent Day Folks!