I chose the profession of a REALTOR many years ago, when I realized my passion for the industry. Having purchased and sold several homes, before I myself, got into this profession, and having had the assistance of a REALTOR in every transaction, it was very disheartening when we walked away from the closing table to admit that we did not feel "represented" by any of our real estate professionals. In fact, sad to say, the one's that we used, seemed more focused in collecting their commission than they did about their relationship with us. Now that I am in this profession, and have been for nearly two decades, I make it my quest to never forget those personal experiences of mine. When you put the interest of those that you are serving first, you won't have to chase the money. And when your focus is upon building lifelong relationships with clients, they will bombard you with referrals...what a compliment!
I strongly agree Suzanne. I work for a builder and get to meet lots of Realtors. I know first hand why the top 20% make 80% of the money in this business. Sometimes I wonder why my buyers picked the Realtor they did, and other times I meet one like you :) The only good thing about a tough market is that most part-time Realtors tht didn't care too much about their business are getting out of the business.
Thank you Mario for your comment. I totally agree, with you about the part time Realtors that are getting out of the business. How many times have you had folks ask you about them getting into the real estate business and how they think that it is such a glorified, easy money maker profession.... you truly must have a passion for the industry and love serving people. It sounds like we both chose the right profession for us!