
Virus Free For Me

Services for Real Estate Pros with Exit Family Realty
I am about to purchase a laptop, I have had my heart set on getting a Mac book.  I heard of some compatability issues with Outlook and a few websites too.  I have been researching trying to find a way to navigate this career on a Mac.  Here is what I have learned...
If you purchase software called parallels, you can run Windows XP on a Mac.  You may also need a program called Boot Camp, then you are supposed to be able to designate an IP address and communicate withany Mac or PC friendly environment.  If anyone has more information or edits and corrections to my knowledge, please share! 

Chad Frank
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Lisa Hill
Florida Property Experts - Daytona Beach, FL
Daytona Beach Real Estate
Those commercials have me sold! I make a lot of videos and I plan to get a Mac next year. I'm going to use it only for photos and videos though. I'll let you keep me posted as to your trials and errors :P
May 18, 2007 12:40 PM
Christina Lackey
Coldwell Banker Prime Properties - North Syracuse, NY
Syracuse Central New York Real Estate
Chad- I respect your choice- BUT- when I was a teacher, they gave me an iBook.  I really didn't love it, and we still got viruses that circulated through all the teachers' laptops and they had to be sent it to IT once in a while to clean them up.  Definitely go for what makes you happy, but I was not all that impressed with the iBook.  It was easy to use, though, and the Mac OS was pretty good.  Good luck with your new purchase!
May 18, 2007 12:43 PM
Chad Frank
Exit Family Realty - Somis, CA
Hey Christina,

Totally appreciate the opinions, and I was not aware that there were still viruses being passed around through them.  I guess in the end it doesn;t matter all
that much, I will have to get a new one in a year, ha.  Thanks for the time.

May 18, 2007 12:46 PM
Gerald Mori
Coldwell Banker 2M Realty - Whitby, ON
Realtor - Coldwell Banker, Oshawa
I've had Macs for over seven years now. They've always been connected to the Internet 24/7 and I've never had a virus Reportedly viruses for the Mac do exist (so they say) but I have yet to see one. I have no anti-virus software running but I do have the hardware firewall in my router enabled. Mac OS X (pronounced "ten" not "ex") is a great operating system that is a joy to use. Once you learn to use it like OS X and not like Windows.

I think it may be possible to get a virus on XP running on a Mac but that it because if you're running XP you're still running Windows and will still be vulnerable to the same Windows problems. Still, if you're careful you should still be OK.

I just find the Mac so much more enjoyable to use for all the other stuff I need to do; dealing with digital photos, creating feature sheets, flyers, and other advertising, as well as word processing and everything else. The only thing I need Windows for is to acces my local MLS properly since they have sold their souls to Microsoft as far as embracing Active X and all that other M$-specific stuff that is supposed to make the Internet "better." Windows for MLS, the Mac for everything else. 

Good luck with your decision. If you go the Mac route I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.


May 18, 2007 01:23 PM
Chad Frank
Exit Family Realty - Somis, CA
Thanks very much Jerry.

I will definitely look into Mac OS X as an alternate to XP.  It has been quite a journey discovering which comp to purchase, and I totally appreciate the advice and tips.  Thanks again.

May 21, 2007 04:50 AM
Fred Griffin Florida Real Estate
Fred Griffin Real Estate - Tallahassee, FL
Licensed Florida Real Estate Broker

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