
Cycle vs. Reset

Services for Real Estate Pros with Sunbelt Network

We were having our weekly meeting the other day and this topic came up.  I thought it was interesting.

Are we in the middle of a cycle?  Or is this a full blown reset of current economy and the way we know it?

If the best advice is to invest in the valleys and troughs of a normal business cycle, wouldn’t buying at the bottom of the biggest trough in this generation’s history be even better?


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Glenn S. Phillips
Lake Homes Realty & Beach Homes Realty - Birmingham, AL
CEO, Lake Homes Realty & Beach Homes Realty

I vote cycle... there is still commerce taking place.  The last UP was abnormally high, so it is actually normal for the down to be abnorally low.  Just my take! G

Apr 09, 2009 12:59 PM
Doug Boedecker
Sunbelt Network - Pleasanton, CA

Hi Glenn, thanks for the reply.  I was out on vacation last week, catching up this week so I haven't been on for a bit.  I think when I posted this I was leaning toward re-set, not so sure now.  Either way or whatever it's called, not sure things can get much lower.

Apr 24, 2009 10:11 AM