As of today there are 407 available properties for sale in Marlton, also known as Evesham Township. So far, a total of 607 new listings came onto the market this year. The previous 12 full month sales average is 57 properties per sold per month. Since January 1, 2007 289 properties went under contract (pending sale) and 220 have sold. The average days on market is 71. Based on the number of homes on the market (407), and the average monthly sales (57), our current inventory accumulation is 7 months; which is the amount of time it will take to sell our current housing inventory.
For those interested in the Marlton housing market or Marlton real estate, the average sales price of Marlton homes year to date is $274,582. However, properties have sold for as low as $125,000 and as high as $745,000 so far this year.
There's a wide variety of housing choices in Marlton including single family homes, condos and townhouses. The figures previously mentioned include all residential property sales.
For more information on Marlton real estate, homes for sale, and housing market conditions give me a call or visit my website.
Roxanne Ardary - 856-857-2219
Long and Foster Real Estate