Why do you....Blog that is?
I used to get all excited about the prospect of blogging for points (admit it, you did too). It is hard not to notice your ranking every time you sign in.
And then it became more about content and SEO /SEM and driving web traffic
And then it became a social media exercise along with the other social medius that have become so popular and now important in our drive to stay on the cutting edge of social media marketing.
And then a funny thing happened, I started getting to know some Active Rainers, building relationships and making friends.
And the truth is, I blog for all those reasons, but as time has worn on, all those reasons are more like benefits of something that is really fun. That is why I blog........Why Do you Blog?
Stay Sharp, good luck and be well!
Your ActiveRain partner and national title agent,
Until next time,
Matching experience with technology to give
you the edge to be a mortgage industry leader
Bo Hussung
Vice President of Sales
phone ~ 615-438-7300 fax ~ 678-261-1594
email me ~ bhussung@cogentca.com
web ~ www.cogentca.com