I spend 80% or my money in web marketing, which seems to be pretty effective. I am busy but I want to be so much busier. I am wondering whether the expense of a billboard (between $500-$1000 a month) is worth it in the long run?
Many agents in our area have billboards, some are just a name and a picture, some are clever little slogans. I tend to think the most effective billboard might one that drives people either to your web site or to call your cell when they see the billboard. But maybe they are all about long term name recognition.
Anyone had success with billboards? What do you think is the most effective approach to advertising on billboards?
In addition- where do you get a slogan? It seems that a (sometimes cheesy) slogan can be one of the things that sets us apart in a sea of advertisements. My last name doesn't rhyme with sold or anything for that matter and I want something unique that stands out in people's minds. If you have a good slogan, how did you come up with it?