My beef of the week. I know I have many of them but this one is on the Top. How many Realtors want to work their tails off and in the end receive a low commission? Not many I am sure, I being one of them. I was so happy to see those fly by night realty companies close. You know the ones that offered 1 or 2%. I won't mention any names, you know who they are. In this market we have to fight the banks on short sales and foreclosures to receive our commissions we deserve.
I have ran a crossed a few listing this week that are only paying out a low co-brokerage fees. That bugs me. Example: I show a development of homes to my client and he picks the one house that is giving the lowest split. Of course that is not his problem and he could care less, and I would still work hard to insure he got the house he wanted. But at the same time I am bugged. In regard, I know that there is no set price on commissions and it is our final decision on whether or not we take the listing. I also understand the rookie agents need leverage. They don't have the years of experience to back them during their listing presentations and when a seller comes to realize this, they negotiate the commission and the agent who is desperate for their first or second listing will agree to the commission rate.
I think it is a good idea for new agents to work with more experienced agents in the beginning. There is no better training then hands on. Mentor ship programs are usually offered in many Reality firms today and I believe it would be a good investment for the rookies. Let me know your thoughts.