
Politicians remind me of my teenage sons-good intentions."Unusual decsion making"

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Florida Policy makers are in session for 2 more weeks, hopefully passing significant energy Policy...

I strongly think to advance energy independence in the US, various means of energy production should be utilized depending on resources available in each state. The US needs a mix of oil, gas, coal, nuclear, and renewable energy sources (wind, solar biomass, hydro,etc.) Florida has good solar resources available. But including nuclear in policy directed as a Renewable Energy is Apples and Oranges.  And Florida should know about oranges.- and not divert policy efforts away from oranges greatest renewable energy source the Sun. 

Florida Energy bill SB-1154.  This bill is intended to pass a (RPS) Renewable Portfolio Standard of 20%.  Summarizing, this means of the Power produced by certain utilities  for Florida residents, 20% of it is to be made up from renewable energy sources by 2020. 

Governor Crist has been a strong proponent of "20 by 2020".

Recently, part of the process of getting the bill setting this "Renewable Portfolio Standard" has been the removal the words/requirement of renewable, changing the wording to "clean energy" and allowing Nuclear to make up part of that mix.  I never had considered Nuclear to be inclusive with Renewable energy discussions.  Kind of like including daily meals at  McDonald's in my strict diet?  

Solar power use will increase in Florida.But not today or tommorow.

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