
First Time Home Buyers In Flagstaff - Making My Job A Blast!

Real Estate Agent with Realty One Group / Mountain Desert

StarburstIs it just me, or is anyone else out there experiencing a NOTICEABLE increase in business from first time home buyers?  I've heard it described as "coming out of the woodwork", "downpour", "feeding frenzy" - all great terms when you are a Realtor and that's what's going on in your market, BUT, a really BIG question??? How long will this last - is it just a small hiatus from the "crisis" that we're in?  You know, that pesky little "economic crisis" the one that still doesn't have a name - other than "economic crisis"?

I'm not a "The Sky is Falling" kind of gal, but we do have to be realistic and embrace the mess that has been created... accept it, understand it, work with it, learn from it, and go through the growing pains before watching it go away.  Whether we've reached the bottom or not.... the people that can take advantage and financially take on purchasing a property right now are scoring some wonderful deals!  Plummeting prices and interest rates - and then throwing in the tax credit for first timers is, quite frankly, making the Buyer Representation part of my job, a blast! 

Here's a link to some IRS info that may give incentive to more first timers that have not already taken advantage of this huge gift!  And, if you or anyone else you know (first timer or not) would like help with Flagstaff Real Estate - let's talk! 


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Ann Heitland
Retired from RE/MAX Peak Properties - Flagstaff, AZ
Retired from Flagstaff Real Estate Sales

First-time home buyers are dominating the sales -- they should because it's a great time for them.

Apr 21, 2009 03:55 PM
Patty Peck Flagstaff Real Estate
Realty One Group / Mountain Desert - Flagstaff, AZ
Flagstaff REALTOR

Ann - It sure is a great time... Flagstaff has been out of reach for so many people in the last several years.  The people that I showed homes to a year or 2 ago but opted out because what they could afford wasn't acceptable, are now looking at properties in their price range with amazement and excitement.  Feels Good - hearing buyers say "I get all this for my money?", rather than "This is all I get for my money?" - Big difference!

Apr 22, 2009 02:08 AM