Enjoying his fast paced, opulent, enlightened life, successful young entrepreneur, Louis Lautman's curiosity and fascination of business achievement at a young age ultimately launched him on a cross country journey to seek out and interview the world's most successful young millionaire minds and entrepreneurs to discover and expose "The Secret" behind their success.
Lautman, age 30, knew from his own experience in business that many young entrepreneurs still struggled and was committed to sharing the strategies these young geniuses lived by to create a thriving life of prosperity, wealth and abundance at a young age.
Like every hero, Louis was thrown into crisis as he was presented with the astounding fact that the fundamental premises that ran his life were untrue. The "reality" of how young people are supposed to grow up; the "belief" that after high school you go to college; and the "fact" that if you work hard and long at your job you will get ahead- are all shown to be habitual mental constructs that limit life and induce a slow-moving, apathetic, tedious, commonly lack filled reality. He saw the trap and wanted to show the world a new way through demonstrating nine key secrets.
His panel of experts serves as a modern day Greek Chorus, whose anecdotes and experiences of starting and running their extraordinarily successful businesses at a very young age are woven through the plot as important lessons young entrepreneurs need to learn in order to understand and change their life. The YES Movie experts answer the great questions of life constructed by both young and older business people. Through the course of the film, the distinction between business and personal life becomes increasingly synergistic as we realize that, in essence, both business and personal life must support each other.
A master at business networking, Louis Lautman having assembled more than 30 Young Millionaire Entrepreneur's to sit down with him and share the amazing stories of their success is unprecedented. They each detailed how they took their idea from concept to reality and how they overcame all of the challenges along the way. Each of these experts serves as a sounding board for young entrepreneurs across the globe. Their products and services have touched the lives of millions and now their inspiring stories will as well in this dynamic film.
For more information or to view a trailer of the film visit www.TheYESMovie.com and join the YES community at www.YoungEntrepreneurSociety.com.