
Inspectors at open houses....acceptable or just a nuisance?

Home Inspector with A Closer Look Home Inspections

While speaking with a friend who is a real estate agent, they mntioned the fact that while doing open houses, she has home inspectors showing up to "introduce" themselves, leaving cards/flyers etc... 

Being the personable type, she indicated that she didn't seem to mind - as long as the inspector is upfront about who they are. (Though with the home owner present it could be touch and go)  

Personally, I have not done this type of "introductions" so I can't speak from experience on this one but I would love to hear the opinions of both agents and inspectors.....what say ye?  Is the practice acceptable in your area or do you find it just a nuisance?


Calvin Bailey
A Closer Look Home Inspections
Home: (905) 240-0182
Office: (905) 442-0487

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David Helm
Helm Home Inspections - Bellingham, WA
Bellingham, Wa. Licensed Home Insp
I've been marketing this way for a couple of years.  It's about the only way to meet realtors face to face on a one on one situation.  There are several caveats.  I don't bring things to give to the agent (I've been told by several that it feels like a bribe, and has nothing to do with the task at hand).  I always stay out of the way and, in fact, leave if lookers arrive.  I also revisit people (if there appeared to be a connection).  This business, like many, is all about relationships.  If I get any negative vibe from the agent, I don't stick around.  It is their space, and I am not interested in invading it.
May 25, 2007 12:10 PM
Shawn Martin
Crosby Inspections - Vancouver, WA

I have been trying this more and have received good results from it.  I introduce myself make sure I am out of the way if any potential clients come Thur,  Tell them the services I provide as a home & pest inspector answer any questions they may have, hand out a few cards an flyer's and take it from there.  Like David I never bring anything feels like I am trying to buy their business. if it doesen't feel right I say thanks for your time and leave.


Shawn Martin

Martin Home Inspection Services


May 27, 2007 10:34 AM
Peter M . Christopher
Fairfield County Home Inspection LLC - Fairfield, CT
Residential & Commercial Inspections in
What Happen here is your are invited by the Realtor. Then they will ask you to cover 1/2 the cost of the open house. Food drink etc. I have no need for this type of practise.
May 27, 2007 11:39 AM
Shawn Martin
Crosby Inspections - Vancouver, WA

Peter in the last 5 months or so I have been to over 50 open houses and have never been ask to cover any cost to host one.  I have been asked to help with first time home buyers seminars from it. Which I found exciting. I meet the realtor's face to face and share ideas, ask and answer questions, and for the most part have received nothing but good results from it. Again if it doesn't feel right I say thanks for your time and leave. I feel this is a much better way to market instead of cold calls or mass mailings.


Shawn Martin

Martin Home Inspection Services


May 27, 2007 11:53 AM
Mary Kent
Five Star Real Estate - Grand Rapids, MI
Grand Rapids to the Lake Shore
I've had home inspectors along with mortgage people. I don't mind as long as they identify themselves and stroll off into another room if others come through. They are in the relationship business too and if you don't put yourself face to face it could be hard to get business.
May 27, 2007 11:58 AM
David Helm
Helm Home Inspections - Bellingham, WA
Bellingham, Wa. Licensed Home Insp
Shawn and Mary, I agree completely.  ln fact there have been instances where realtors that I have been building relationship, have asked me questions about the house.  Once, at an open house just up the road from my own rural residence, the realtor asked me to talk with a potential buyer about the neighborhood.  I kidded that if they bought the house, I should get a partial commission. 
May 27, 2007 02:31 PM
Melanie Ross
Coldwell Banker Solano Pacific - Benicia, CA
Benicia CA & Vallejo CA Real Estate, 707-319-2828
There is one inspector who will visit open houses.  He is known to bring fresh home made cookies and water.  I don't mind if vendors stop by and echo what most have said above, just don't hang around when there are potential clients in the house.  When I am at an inspection I do not hang close to the inspector and  let them do their work.  I expect the same when I am working.
May 27, 2007 03:11 PM
James Brantley
I have had good success in meeting Realtors in open houses. Occasionally they seem really surprised when they finally realize that you're a home inspector rather that a buyer. Many ask me to sit and talk and maybe eat a few cookies. If you really show them that you respect their time, they will listen to you. Once a Realtor even had me sign up for a $100 give away. My name was drawn the following Tuesday and the agent stud up among over 60 colleagues where she gave me that best endorsement ever.
May 27, 2007 11:42 PM
Stephen Gladstone
Stonehollow Fine Home Inspections & Testing - Stamford, CT

My feeling is you should market any ethical way possible. Especially when times get slow. Open houses require some subtle concern about what the real purpose of the day is.  Never interfere or interrupt a sales viewing or sales talk between the realtor and a potential buyer. Leave a card but not stacks of them. Offering a water or a soda may be pleasantly received and ask if you could answer any questions they might have about inspections if they seem to want to talk to you, and get out after a polite moment if they don't.


May 28, 2007 03:16 AM
Daniel Rogers
Final Analysis Home Inspections - Virginia Beach, VA
Virginia Beach Home Inspector

All very interesting and possitive comments. When I got in the business we where still trying to sell the concept of a home inspection. I decided to get my business off the ground I would go to a minimum of 5 open houses every Sunday for one year to create a customer base. Then I would followup by sending the agent info by mail and then one last followup phone call. It was a much more hostile environment back then as many old shcool agents rebelled against home inspections. Most of them have eithjer changed their ways or are now out of business.  None the less...for the times it was a great success for me. This was all before the internet and the present consumer awarness about inspections. Now the market has changed. Real estate agents are no longer my primary or target market. Now I go straight to the consumer market primarily through the internet. There are more buyers and sellers out there than there are agents. So I go for the mass numbers which is also successful. That is not to say i don't introduce my company and service to the agents when I meet them at inspections.


Jun 07, 2007 03:38 PM
Jim Watzlawick
Watz Home Inspections - Algonquin, IL
Watz Home Inspections
I only go to broker open houses, so as not to bother the agent when a buyer may be present.
Jun 22, 2007 01:11 PM
Daniel Giddings
APOM Inspections - Courtice, ON
Thank you for opening up this topic.  I have been quite curious about this myself and have been debating whether it would be a good idea or not.  It is interesting to hear other peoples perspectives.  I agree that the best way to get out there is face to face and being able to go out  and meet agents etc, but without wanting to, as you said 'be a nuisance'.  Thanks
Mar 05, 2008 12:23 AM
Derek Bauer's, Door to Dreams Home Selling Team
Real Estate One - South Lyon, MI
Interesting ... I've heard of lenders sitting at and stopping by Open Houses, but never a home inspector.  Although I don't do Open Houses, so I am probably not the most representative voice in this regard, it seems it may add value particularly to 1st time buyers...
Mar 05, 2008 12:26 AM
Sylvie Conde
Sutton Group-Associates Realty Inc., Brokerage - Toronto, ON
Broker, Toronto Real Estate

I have never had a home inspector show up at an open house, either invited or unvited by me. First, I don't think I would specifically invite a home inspector.  I am not sure a potential buyer would appreciate it, if one was present.  I don't mind if home inspectors email or mail information to me directly, to introduce themselves and their services, etc., ... OR...  if it was an Agent's Open House, then I probably wouldn't mind if home inspectors, or others, who provide a service to the buyers or sellers, showed up as well.  As long as the potential buyers aren't present, and it doesn't come across as if I'm trying to push a particular 'service provider' on them, then that's OK.

May 28, 2008 01:35 PM
Mark Reusch
A Major Inspection Service & Consulting - Simpsonville, SC

I have been to several open houses lately. I bring 10 open house survival kits for the people coming through and 1 for the Realtor on site. I always introduce myself and ask the Realtor if it is O.K. if I leave the survival kits. I also explain that I will leave them and then return to pick up any un used ones so the Realtor doesn't have to clean up after me. I invite the Realtor to place any of their personal information they want potetial buyers to take with them inside the kits as well. I have never been turned down and have made a couple nice contacts as well.

May 30, 2008 11:05 AM
Jim Ludes
RE/MAX Top Properties - Coal City, IL
Grundy/Will County, IL REALTOR

Some of the responses are kind of funny.... BIG thing to remember: it's the REALTOR'S open house for his/her seller....not the home inspectors open chance to get a lil' business. If the REALTOR isn't with someone, I can't see a reason in the world he/she wouldn't have a chance to talk to you about your services and be pleased with an introduction. But anything in the aspect of passing out promotional materials for your business- I don't know. I had an inspector show up one time, I had previously met him, but he didn't know that knocking on the door.....we chatted for a few minutes and he was on his way. I think it's a fine way to meet REALTORS one has yet to...but as nice as he was, even had he asked pleasantly, I wouldn't have given out any of his materials.

May 30, 2008 03:31 PM
MC2 Home Inspections
MC2 Home Inspections LLC - Indianapolis, IN
Indianapolis home inspection service 317-605-3432

I do not visit any open houses just to meet realtors. To me that seems to be a bit on the intrusive side of things. Not really much different than cold calling someone and trying to solicit yourself. Besides all of the ethical questions it brings up, you also have the cost and the 'waste of precious time' factor involved. There are a lot of other things you could be doing to promote yourself on a Sunday afternoon than hitting 5 open houses (cold) just to meet 5 different people.

Personally, I would much rather volunteer my services with the local Chamber of Commerce. For instance, in a couple of weeks our local Chamber is sponsoring a Cancer walk. I have volunteered my 'man' power to help set up, shut down and anything else they might need. Not only am I doing something actually WORTHWHILE, but I also have the opportunity to meet literally hundreds of people in one afternoon.

In these times, we really need to think outside the box of the traditional ways to obtain business. I agree with Daniels comment above. Inspectors do not NEED to solicit Real Estate Agents anymore just to get business, There are MANY, MANY other ways to get those calls coming in. Times are changing, and we need to change right along with them.


Jun 13, 2008 02:02 AM
Chad Baird
Re/Max Spirit - Dayton, OH

Does not bother me if a vendor stops in during an open house. 

Jun 13, 2008 02:19 AM
Baker Home Inspection and Commercial Properties Inspections
Baker Residential and Commercial Properties Inspections - Springfield, VT
Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Vermont

Howdy there Calvin

The agents in my area, don't usually put on open houses, and with the way most of them act, because they get a kick back from a local inspector. Plus he never writes anything up being wrong with a home. It really would not do any good to go to open houses if they did have them.

Jan 10, 2010 07:43 AM
Paul Miner
Affinity Inspection Group "For The Discerning Client" - Salt Lake City, UT

My 2 cents...... Agents have shown an interest in inviting home inspectors to co host open house events. The forward thinking agents like the idea of having an extra set of eyes on things. They also like the additional safety factor. It's a chance to build relationships with buyers & inspectors.

Agents will always be a prime source for referrals to any inspection company. Be nice Mr. Inspector, get invited to the party, don't crash it.......just sayin!

Oct 21, 2013 06:03 AM