

Real Estate Agent with Re/Max Southland II

earth dayHappy Earth Day!!

Do something "Green" today that you didn't do yesterday. Pick up some litter, recycle, unsubscribe to the paper and read it online, turn off the lights, but some florecent bulbs to replace the incandecents, plant a tree, find other ways to decrease your carbon footprint...

Enjoy the Earth, Enjoy the Day!

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Mary Yonkers
Alan Kells School of Real Estate/Howard Hanna Real Estate - Erie, PA
Erie/PA Real Estate Instructor


Lisa--I wore green today and I am saving blue bags to take to Wegmans in exchange for Free reusable bag.

  Hope you have a green day!

Apr 22, 2009 08:40 AM
Lisa Kuyath
Re/Max Southland II - Benson, NC

*Big Smile* Mary, I love it!!! That is awesome! Have a Green Day too!!!

Apr 22, 2009 08:55 AM
Jim Crawford
Long & Foster - Fredericksburg, VA
Jim Crawford Broker Associate Fredericksburg VA

Thanks for sharing this.  I was surprised how little press it received.

Apr 22, 2009 12:51 PM