
My First Home Purchase

Real Estate Agent with Stanberry & Associates

Did I ever tell you the story about the first home I ever purchased?  I was 18 years old and was finishing my freshman year of college.  After spending a year living on the 10th floor of a 10 floor high rise in San Angelo, Texas where the wind blows and the buildings sway I was ready to find another option.  The houseing market their is perfect for a young buyer, they have lots of older neighborhoods that were perfect.  I landed my first property in a little area within walking distance from the river (where the North and South Concho meet) and decide it would be where I would live to finish college.  It was a 1980's 3 bedroom 2 bath house that was about 1300 sqft for $50,000.  What a steal!!!!  The house was school bus yellow with brown trim.  The inside had the strangest colors and mushroom print wall paper in the kitchen.  I guess even at the age of 18 I knew how to look at the "bones" of a house and see past the way the current owners are living.  Once we closed on the property, I set to work - painted everything that stood still and took down all the wall paper I could find.  I later sold the house with a small profit after I finished college - I was moving back to Bastrop and it was to far to maintain a rental property.  There are times that I look back on that house and wish I could get my hands on it again.  Oh, the changes I would make!!!