
Don't be a "DESPERATE Real Estate Agent"!

Real Estate Agent with Vintage Shoppe Realty

Run your business, so it doesn't run you!

All too often, and how many times do you hear a fellow agent complaining about some prospective client that's running them all over the earth looking for that perfect home. All the while they are spending countless hours, nights and weekends and racking up the miles on their vehicle, HOPING to sell them a home, and all they can think about is, "get us to the closing table so that I be done with these folks!". Might I add, that in this scenerio, there are no new clients in the pipeline, because they have given all of their focus and energy to these "prospective buyers". When we see ourselves as professionals, such as how attorneys, doctors, dentists, accountants, etc., see themselves, and educate our clients of how WE work, in respect to the hours that we work, taking full advantage of ALL that technology offers, let them run around checking out the possibilites prior to us setting up appointments, and the most important, let them get back with you on their "5 favs", set appointments for those 5 properties, go and sell! Truly, most clients really don't want to get dragged all around either.

Quality clients will respect you as a professional when you respect yourself as a professional. Have you ever heard the phrase, "desperate people do desperate things", well, right now there are alot of desperate real estate agents out there, don't be one of them... Besides, if we are honest, haven't we all been here....


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Chanda Barrick
Keller Williams Indy Metro Northeast - Indianapolis, IN
in referral

Suzanne, I have been there and she ended up buying an fsbo...I looked at it as a learning opportunity considering I was fairly new to real estate...

~Chanda (no 'r') :)

Apr 24, 2009 01:12 AM
Harry F. D'Elia III
WEDO Real Estate and Beyond, LLC - Phoenix, AZ
Investor , Mentor, GRI, Radio, CIPS, REOs, ABR

There are plenty of clients for everyone. Great post. Make it happen

Apr 24, 2009 01:13 AM
Connie Case
Platinum Realty Group - Fountain City, TN
Realtor, Knoxville Tn.

Suzanne, I think EVERY RE agent has been there!! There are some real horror stories, and then there's the client that my friend and I worked with, we proably made $2 an hour, we worked with him for about nine mos. and finally found him the perfect house! Keep in mind it was not a consistant thing, and he was easy on the eyes!

By the way, we were just getting started!

Apr 24, 2009 01:34 AM
Sidney Kutchuk - Realty Works Temecula Kutchuk - Realty Works Temecula
Realty Works Temecula - Temecula, CA
Realty Works Temecula

Suzanne:  Great post there has to be balance in the big picture.  I have a formula for deciding if a client is actually a serious buyer and can weed out the non-interested ones really quick.  It is a matter of asking direct questions, follow-up, pre-qual, etc.

Apr 24, 2009 01:37 AM
J Perrin Cornell
Coldwell Banker Cascade Real Estate - Wenatchee, WA

Experience helps separate... but you are correct it is your business what do you want it to be. Nothing succeeds like success...

Apr 24, 2009 01:38 AM
Karen Fiddler, Broker/Owner
Karen Parsons-Fiddler, Broker 949-510-2395 - Mission Viejo, CA
Orange County & Lake Arrowhead, CA (949)510-2395

I am happy to say I've only lost one client that way....and I'm really glad she's gone. Annoying though that after all I did for her she didn't show any loyalty....funny thing is her escrow was a nightmare because she bought from the listing agent and had no real representation (no offense to those of you who do dual agency honestly) then she called ME for advice. My advice? you should have used ME....but I politely told her "at this point I'm not sure what to advise you...I suggest you call your agent"....hee hee.

Apr 24, 2009 01:43 AM
Kimberly Hardin
Treasure Coast Sothebys International Realty - Vero Beach, FL
Broker Associate/Owner - Luxury Waterfront Property Specialist

I've learned it's ok to be choosy. Thanks for the post.

Apr 24, 2009 01:43 AM
David Width Jr.
Little Egg Harbor, NJ

We can not work from an angle of scarcity. If we do not have a lot to choose from, we will be forced to take the "problem deals" all the time.

Apr 24, 2009 01:56 AM
Edith Schreiber
Luxury Homes, Move Up Buyers, 1st Time Homebuyers, New Construction - Frisco, TX
Dallas Area Real Estate

How right you are, Suzanne! 

If we believe in what we do for a profession and place a value in it, we need to convey that to those we work with.....otherwise they will not.

I am amazed at the number of times I take a call at my office, calling about one of our Broker's listings - I eventually inquire as to whether they have signed a representation agreement with a Realtor, and they say "yes", but will still often say "I don't want to bother my Realtor, but can't YOU show me the house"????

Hmmmmmm......let me think......"NO"......for a whole host of reasons.

I work hard for my money.....and I do not think the public has any idea what we do to earn the money that we do. Amazing stuff, indeed!

I'm outta here....need to go show some houses! :0)

Edith Schreiber - Dallas, Texas

Apr 24, 2009 02:17 AM
Tom Boos
Sine & Monaghan Realtors, Real Living - Grosse Pointe Farms, MI
Providing the very best of service to Sellers and

I love it when buyers "run me around".  At least I know they have some motivation.  My personal record happens to be 130 homes shown to a buyer before a deal was made.  Did I make any money for my efforts?  Yes, I did.  Would I have made more if I only showed 10 houses?  Of course.  But this time I didn't.  Doesn't matter to me , because sometimes the deals are easy and often they are not.

Apr 24, 2009 02:45 AM