Run your business, so it doesn't run you!
All too often, and how many times do you hear a fellow agent complaining about some prospective client that's running them all over the earth looking for that perfect home. All the while they are spending countless hours, nights and weekends and racking up the miles on their vehicle, HOPING to sell them a home, and all they can think about is, "get us to the closing table so that I be done with these folks!". Might I add, that in this scenerio, there are no new clients in the pipeline, because they have given all of their focus and energy to these "prospective buyers". When we see ourselves as professionals, such as how attorneys, doctors, dentists, accountants, etc., see themselves, and educate our clients of how WE work, in respect to the hours that we work, taking full advantage of ALL that technology offers, let them run around checking out the possibilites prior to us setting up appointments, and the most important, let them get back with you on their "5 favs", set appointments for those 5 properties, go and sell! Truly, most clients really don't want to get dragged all around either.
Quality clients will respect you as a professional when you respect yourself as a professional. Have you ever heard the phrase, "desperate people do desperate things", well, right now there are alot of desperate real estate agents out there, don't be one of them... Besides, if we are honest, haven't we all been here....