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Bradenton Florida's absorption rate

Real Estate Agent with Green Lion Realty

# of listings in Bradenton= 3056 active listings
# of listings sold from Mar 22-Apr 22: 201
# of listings sold from Feb 22-Mar 22: 198
# of listings sold from Jan 22-Feb 22: 200
# of listings sold from Dec 22-Jan 22: 152
# of listings sold from Nov 22-Dec 22: 158
# of listings sold from Oct 22-Nov 22: 175
1084 homes sold in the last six months in Bradenton. Average number of homes sold per month over the last 6 months in Bradenton: 181 homes
#sold (181 homes) X 12 (months) = 2172
divide 2172 by 52 weeks= 42 units per week
If 42 units sell each week divide that number into the number of active listings 42 divided by 3056 = 73 weeks is the absorption rate or about a year and a half of inventory in Bradenton.