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When you have a product or service you want to convince someone to buy, there are a number of steps you have to go through to complete the process. The most important of these steps is your sales presentation.  But do you know what you need to create the perfect sales presentation? Here's a look at a few tips:


Make it Personal


Bill Bartmann's tip #1 for creating a successful sales presentation is to make it personal. This means if you can, try to have a one on one presentation with your potential client. This makes them feel important and like they are the center of attention. This automatically puts a good feeling in their head about you and your company.


There is also a little more unspoken pressure for them to buy in this situation since it's just the two of you and they can't hide behind other potential customers and slink away.




Bill Bartmann's tip #2 for creating a successful sales presentation is to make sure your presentation has a very strong visual component.  People like to see things. They like to see charts, pictures, and words in writing. We are a very visual society. That's why billboards work so well. So, make sure you are giving them visual backing to your sales pitch. This could be in the form of a slide show, pictures, brochures or anything else that lets their eyes take in the presentation as much as their ears.


Whether you know this or not, there are a lot of people who are only able to learn by one sense or another. In this case, if you are talking to a visual learner and not giving them something visual to learn from, you may be losing that sale simply because they can't follow you well.




Bill Bartmann's tip #3 for creating a successful sales presentation is to get rid of any distractions. Once you get people into your sales pitch, you need to keep them there. Any outside distractions, noises or disturbances of things moving about can draw their attention away from your presentation. The more they miss of what you say, and the further they get away from your presentation the more chance you have of losing them altogether and losing the chance at a sale.


If possible, try to deliver your sales presentation in a room that is closed off from the possibility of distracting noises or visuals.




Bill Bartmann's tip #4 for creating a successful sales presentation is to always allow your audience to ask questions. While you may think you have created a perfectly complete presentation, that doesn't mean they understand it and have heard every word of your presentation. Sometimes people zone out for a moment at a critical time and need to have something clarified. Other times they are not sure if what you are saying will work for their situation and just want reassurance. Take the time to listen to their questions and answer them patiently and completely.


Bill Bartmann is the creator of the Billionaire Business Systems, an online business essentials course for entrepreneurs.  Bill Bartmann's series of videos, books and seminars has helped many entrepreneurs succeed in business even during tough economic times.  Learn more at http://www.billionaireu.com/



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