
Obesity and Ballooning Health Insurance Costs

Services for Real Estate Pros with Kramer Holding Corporation

Obesity is a huge health issue in the United States; this isn’t anything new or surprising. What may be surprising, however, is the affects of obesity on your health insurance rates. Your weight and lifestyle choices do make a big difference when it comes to health coverage; many individuals do not realize this until it is too late. With over 60% of Americans being categorized as obese and/or overweight, this is no small problem. The rates of obesity have more than tripled over the past decade alone.

Obesity is known to cause some major health issues. Besides the unhealthy factor of excessive weight in general, individuals who are obese have a much higher risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, respiratory problems, certain types of cancer, etc. Health risks are not the only “dangers” to those who are obese; costs of living can be extremely high as well. Obesity is almost as deadly as smoking, given that both are the top causes of preventable death in the U.S.

One major cost that many people don’t consider is the cost of health insurance for those that are obese. Health insurance rates are significantly higher for those with “unhealthy lifestyles,” which includes obesity. Sometimes those who are obese can’t even find an insurance company that will provide them coverage because of the high risks associated with their weight. Those who are considered to be obese can pay up to twice as much for coverage than those who are categorized as “fit.”

Some insurance companies will provide monetary coverage for programs and procedures that help to defeat obesity. Those in Pennsylvania should contact the Kramer Insurance Center for a free health insurance quote. We have years of experience with health insurance policies and understand their importance in your life. Visit our virtual insurance agency today at

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Fred Griffin Florida Real Estate
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