
Moving in the Region

Real Estate Agent

Who Do I Call to Set up my Water and Sewer Billing Account?

If you are moving, you must contact the Customer Services section at 905-666-6211 or 1-800-465-6611 prior to moving. The office is located at 605 Rossland Rd. E., Whitby.

Prior to contacting the Customer Services section, please ensure that you have the following information:

  • Property Address
  • Date of Closing
  • Your Lawyer's name and Phone Number
  • Name of Purchaser (if selling your current property)
  • Address of where you are moving (if you are a current customer, and need to finalize your current account)

What do I do once I move?

  • Please read your water meter once you have moved in. Although we will send someone out to read your meter, we always ask that you read the meter yourself and call us with the reading as we may not be at the house when you are home.
    (The meter is located inside the house, so we require someone to be home to gain access to the meter)

What if I am moving into a brand new home?

  • Usually we have already installed a water meter, but please check to make sure! The meter is normally located in the basement, by the floor, against the wall closest to the street. Once you find the meter, lift the lid (if present), take the reading and call our office with this information.
  • If you cannot find a meter, please call the Works Departmentfor an appointment to install one. Please note that there is no charge to have a water meter installed in your home. We will bill you on a "flat rate" basis until the meter is installed.


Courtesy of The Regional Municipality of Durham Website