Hey Everybody,
Lots of realtors in Maryland, DC, and Virginia have a new outlet. Realtors in these areas are REQUIRED to take a certain number of hours of education to keep their real estate license. Often these classes feel worthless to realtors. Mostly because they try to charge your tons of money, they dont cover important topics, and they put them in the middle of nowhere!
Well just wanted to give you guys a heads up. We have been offering FREE classes with education credits for your licenses if you live in Maryland, DC, and VA. Right now Maryland is the largest area we cover but this is a great chance to sit and learn about real estate as it relates to finance. Often times clients will ask you " How much do you think this is a month on a mortgage" and you are soooooooo afraid to say anything because rates and programs change every 10 seconds and any information you give them is extremely outdated unless you had a settlement an hour before they asked you!!!
So if you live in this area and you want to check out these classes and speak to the instructors and get dates and times... then jump to the website for TenacityTeaches and get to the class as soon as possible. Have an edge on the rest of your competition and get credit for your license. Maybe even meet an important contact.
Log on to the site. Its a key to know EVERYTHING about real estate because I am sure the lenders out there HATE when a realtor guesses and the client expects what they say to be fact but also Realtors HATE when a lender tries to act like its their first day on the job and keep giving incorrect status reports or info.
Let me know what you think!