It wasn't long ago that REALTORS(R) were confronting the idea of "going online" to communicate with their clients. As their clients increasingly utilized the internet to stay in touch, REALTORS(R) were forced to adapt to the technology. Now, increasingly, consumers are finding new ways to communicate, including texting, tweeting, and chat. However, email remains a vital means by which REALTORS(R) communicate.
It's easy to think that all email options provide roughly the same features, but that couldn't be further from reality. Email services are much different from one another. The competition is so great that email services are evolving and inventing at a breakneck rate just to keep customers. I now use Google email, or "Gmail" as my email client and I strongly recommend Gmail to you for many reasons:
1) users can chat with other gmail users; my administrative staff all have gmail accounts and we chat throughout the day. chatting makes our intra-office communication much more efficient.
2) there are links at the top of the page which can take me to the various other google applications i use frequently. All the google applications have links at the top so you're just one click away from another helpful google app.
3) there is a very easy-to-use filter that enables me to control/limit/categorize incoming emails.
4) gmail has a very effective spam filter. I receive almost no spam in my inbox.
5) I can integrate my gmail account into Microsoft Outlook, which I use to download categorize and store my emals from Gmail.
6) gmail's web client means i can check email from any computer. Of you strictly rely on Outlook, you can only check your email when you're in front of your computer.
7) gmail accounts are free. gmail can afford to do this because they run ads along the right hand sidebar, but the ads aren't prominent - they won't get in your way.
8) gmail users have the ability to quickly search through through their email database to find that (otherwise) elusive email.
9) switching from your current email provider to gmail is easy. For more info, click here.
10) using gmail will give you "tech cred" among your clients, because AOL is "so 1990s."
For more information about Gmail, check out their video demonstration.