
Weak dollar helping real estate?

Real Estate Agent with Encore Sotheby's Realty
As the U.S. Dollar continues to decline globally, many communities are seeing an influx of overseas investment into real estate. New York, Chicago, San Francisco and in some parts of Miami, the real estate market is moving forward with little to no appreciation but lots of momentum. Will this trend continue? Time will tell.
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Paul Macapagal
Town Residential - Manhattan, NY
NYC Sales Expert
I do agree with what you are saying... Currently there is plenty of foreign money in New York City.  The foreign investors are really buying in quantity and they are buying luxury projects.  I actually know Asian investor who has purchased over 90 ultra luxury condos on Manhattan's Upper West Side.  Each one most likely carries a value of a million and up.
May 23, 2007 07:22 AM
Nattalie de la Mothe
Maximum One Greater Atlanta Realtors - Atlanta, GA
Selling Atlanta Homes like a Boss

Wow.. interesting blog.. maybe this could be the break we need in the real estate market.

As you said Jason, time will tell what happens.

May 23, 2007 07:27 AM
Steven L. Smith
King of the House Home Inspection, Inc. - Bellingham, WA
Bellingham WA Home Inspector
As the US dollar weakens, it increases the buying power of other countries. For example, I live in a community near Canada. Canadian trade has been at record levels in retail and I inspect quite a few homes for Canadians buying homes in the US. They were not doing this when their buck was half of ours. This is, of course, a large reason the dollar is down....planned and not by accident...but an effort to increase foreign trade. The bad part of it is primarily for US travelers. When I went to Italy about five years ago, I got a lot for my dollar. When they went to the Euro a couple years ago, that cut into it but now that the US dollar is down more, it makes the trip much more expensive. Then again, if that is part of what fuels the economy, then I guess it is a fair trade-off. It does not take too many additional inspections, from people who live north of the border, to offset that.
May 23, 2007 07:51 AM
White Plains, NY
Yes totally agree! It's like buying properties at a discount. Like Paul I see a lot of foreign investors buying a lot of REal Estate properties in New York. I get a lot of Europeans though! REal Estate in Europe is actually more expensive than New York and buynig with Euros is like getting a 30% discount.
May 23, 2007 07:57 AM
Ronnie Roach
PrimePay Business Services - Kill Devil Hills, NC
The dollar is down - rates are up - insurance is up (especially in Florida).  Not sure if this is going to fix the bigger problem. 
May 23, 2007 08:03 AM
Jason O'Neil
Encore Sotheby's Realty - Carmel, IN
Yes, this is not the only answer but we will as see an impact. Florida: property taxes and home owners insurance have had drastic affects over the past 5 years. Property taxes cost ~ 20% of a homebuyers monthly outlay, assuming they put 20% down. Something has got to give.
Jun 02, 2007 02:57 AM