

Real Estate Agent with ReMax Preferred Associates

BAD MARKET?  Not mine!  Negative reports on the news... NOT LISTENING!

I got into this business exactly two years ago - not exactly the best timing, for the market, I admit.  But I have been full steam ahead, never looking back, since.  I get up every day, and I get dressed in my nice clothes, and I go to work, until my kids get off of the bus. 

I work from home, but still, i accomplish more in a day, when I am ready to go.  I don't miss any opportunities for showing houses, if someone calls and asks... can we go now?... Because I can. Because I am prepared.

Someone once said "Success is when Preparation Meets Opportunity"...  I live those words.  I also remind myself each morning that I am worthy of success.  Ask yourself that question... Do you feel like you are worthy of having everything you desire?

I have six pendings, 11 listings, and more buyers waiting to start looking in the next few months...  Nothing is going to slow me down.  Not even "this market"... 

Go to the people.  They are there.  Be the Expert.  Share the FACTS about the Tax Credit!  It is amazing!