I have gotten to be somewhat of a pro at this, our last relo was with two boys ages 2 and 6. We found out we were moving in early April. My oldest son was in half day kindergarten and would be out of school right after Memorial Day. We were moving to Northern Virginia where the school year lasts through mid-June. We made the move over Memorial Day weekend, taking my son out of kindergarten 1 week early in Illinois and enrolled him in school in Bristow for the 2 1/2 remaining weeks.
Why did we do this? Well my son is a bit of a worrier and we thought if he was familiar with the school and met some friends the summer would not be as lonely for him. I am glad we did this. It worked out really well. He was comfortable with his new school and made several friends who were his companions for the summer. It made unpacking and settling in so much easier!
Some other helpful hints for dealing with the questions and concerns about moving with children:
Moving is scary. It's scary for Mom, Dad and the kids. Admit it and talk about it. It's scary to leave friends, familiar places and their home. Let them know it is ok to be apprehensive about the move.
Talk to your children about the move and why it's necessary. IF it's for a new job, let them know. Children pick up on a lot of what the adults are saying and often misinterpret it. Ask them if they have any questions or concerns and answer them as best as you can so they understand. Let them know it is a new experience for all of you and you will be in it together.
If you are doing the house hunting trip without the children, ask them for things they would like in their new home. Go on the internet at home and research the area, visit the city guide and make a list of all the great things you will be able to explore in the new location. Once a home is purchased, take lots of pictures of the new house, the new school, the new neighborhood and his or her new room. These pictures will help relieve a lot of anxiety. Your child/ren will love showing off the pictures to all their friends!
The internet is a wonderful tool to help you find your new home, school, neighborhood and new ways to decorate the kids rooms. Let them help. Maybe it's time to redo the room. Let them choose the paint color or the wallpaper border. Now may be a great time to order new furniture for their rooms. Let them help and get excited about seeing their all "new" room! Trust me, it helps!
When we left Illinois we had an ice-cream social to say good-bye. It was a nice time for the kids to play on the school playground and say their good-byes. Let each child prepare a memory box or album. Let them collect notes and pictures from friends, teachers, and coaches. Take pictures of all their favorite places. I prepared photo albums for my son and his best friend. They had the same album and all the same pictures in it. Both kids have looked at the albums over and over again. I also left room for the kids to send new photos to each other and add to the album. It was time-consuming but so worth it.
Now for the fun...getting the kids involved in selling your old house. If your house is anything like mine, it is not ready for a showing at the drop of a hat. We made it a game, at least for my 6 year old, he helped me by making his bed daily, picking up his clothes and he was responsible for opening the blinds and curtains every day. As a reward we would go to ChuckECheeses when the house was being shown! As for my two year old well, I just kept him gone a lot of the time!
Take time amidst all the craziness to make sure that the children are okay. Yes you are stressed and have ten million things to do. Your children are stressed too. Make it an adventure and you will all survive.
After the house is sold and the movers are gone don't forget to copy their growth charts to take with you! Don't leave those behind.