
Nature provides food for the soul in Garden Valley, Idaho

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate 43° North

"I just arrived at Southfork Landing and was greeted by many of the new residents.  As I entered the property I was happy to see Mr. & Mrs. Canada Goose, quietly swimming with their new brood of 12 chicks in the placid waters of one of our ponds.  Reflected in this liquefied mirror, was the mountains and ghost like images of a herd of fifteen cow elk quietly attending to their calves, who hopped and skipped in the meadow, exuberantly testing new legs with obvious enthusiasm for life.  The wild flowers are just beginning to peak out and I observed a coyote hopping along a creek, consumed by the task of breakfast and focused on a muskrat navigating a tumbling brook anxiously looking for an escape.

 Beyond this scene, I was captivated by the beauty of spring showers rolling over the west end of the valley, bathed in intermittent sunlight that highlighted cumulus buildup.  The beauty of the scene compelled me to take a walk along the river, slowly clearing, as high country runoff diminishes with summer around the corner.  I was transformed by the different songs sung by a plethora of birds that seemed to orchestrate their serenade in concert with the cascading water seemingly impatient to find its way to the pacific ocean.

As I took all of this in, I thanked my lucky stars for the beauty of it all, anxious to share its magic with residents of a more human nature."


 - This blog was written by my New Construction Sale s Manager - Joe Grubiak. When an agent can go to work and have experiences like these - then you know your company is representing an incredible project!

Southfork of the Payette River, Idaho


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A New Direction In Real Estate
Jeff Martel | Broker / Marketing Director
7400 West State Street, Boise Idaho  83714
Voice  |  208.860.3696
Fax  |   888.452.5257
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