Mike and Anna had always rented when they decided to contact me about buying a home. They wanted to see if they could get one of these fantastic home deals. We went right to work and in a few weeks we found a great home just right for them. Mike and Anna were lucky enough that Mike's parents gifted him the down payment amount. We also had negotiated with the seller to pay all the closing costs, so they had no money to put down. The payment was just right for the two of them, just a $100 more than their rent. Mike just called me to let me know how happy they were in their new home. Plus Anna and Mike filed an amended tax return for 2008 and were getting the $8000 tax refund in the next few weeks.
Buyers don't miss the BLING here! $8000 Tax Refund, even if you don't pay $8000 in taxes!!! You get more money back for buying a house with only 3.5% down payment, most of the time. Can't believe the deal the seller is paying your closing costs, so you are being paid over and over to buy now. Can you imagine when this might happen again. Not only do you get this money but also an add to the interest and mortgage insurance you can deduct from you income tax and WOW you can now itemize and take more deducations. You can also amend last years taxes and get the $8000 right now. Unheard of the government is actually paying you to buy a house.